Course Supports

Student Handbook

The TU Dublin Programme Management Support Structure provides lots of support for you.  On commencement of your programme, you will be provided with a Student Handbook which provides the specific contact details for your programme. This Handbook will outline the requirements for your programme and provide you with useful advice and guidelines. 

If you wish to discuss your academic performance in a module, in the first instance you should contact your module lecturer.

Year Tutor

Your Year Tutor is there to provide you with academic guidance and support. The year tutor is one of the lecturers who teaches on the programme in that year. The year tutor can advise you on academic and related aspects of the programme of study, or refer you to other supports you may require. 

Programme co-ordinator

Your Programme Coordinator is there to ensure the smooth running of the programme and you can reach out to them if you have any difficulties with the completion of your programme of study. 

Your will find all the contact details you need on the relevant School’s website:

Remember taking action early, and speaking to academics can help ensure any academic challenges you you experience can be managed.