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Outgoing Erasmus+ and Exchange Students

Welcome, you have taken the first step in setting off for a semester or full year abroad.

Study Abroad

For full-time registered students, Erasmus is a once-off opportunity for you to study at another European institution for a semester or a full academic year. The benefits (academic, social, personal and cultural) of participating in the Erasmus programme are huge.

Students and Trainees (interns) opting for a study visit or work placement spend a semester or full academic year at a partner institution or enterprise within the EU, as an integral component of your qualification at TU Dublin. The time spent in the host institution is fully recognized by TU Dublin through the use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). 

TU Dublin currently has around 250 academic partners (Universities and other HEIs) in 21 countries across the European Union and EEA countries. During the 2019/2020 academic year, upwards of 250 TU Dublin students and trainees will spend at least one semester studying at one of our partner institutions, or working in enterprises.

Work or Train Abroad

Students whose programmes of study include a work placement may have the opportunity to complete this placement in another EU member state. TU Dublin works closely with industry partners throughout Europe who offer excellent work placement opportunities to students from a variety of disciplines. Students participating in the Erasmus+ programme not only gain invaluable academic and/or work training experience, but also have the opportunity to experience life in another country, develop language and intercultural skills, travel and broaden their horizons.


To start, speak with the Academic Coordinator attached to your school to see what opportunities and countries are available to you.


Once a suitable 'host institution' or 'host enterprise' has been agreed upon, your Academic Coordinator will nominate you to the Erasmus and Exchange Office by completing our  Outgoing Student Nomination Form


Once your nomination has been accepted, you will then complete an online application form yourself.  This is the internal TU Dublin application form. You will receive an email from the TU Dublin Erasmus and Exchange Section to explain how to apply online and what documents are needed. This email with online application link is sent to the e-mail address your academic co-ordinator provides at the time of your nomination.

Once your application is received by the Erasmus and Exchange Office your nomination will be sent to your desired destination or 'host institution'.

The host institution will then advise you of their application procedures needed (this is the external application to the place of study/work abroad), and will notify you of their decision.

All outgoing students are required to attend a Pre-Departure Meeting, organised by TU Dublin International Office. At this meeting you will get information about Erasmus documentation, the Erasmus App, receive the Erasmus Student Charter, and learn about your role in applying for your Erasmus funding. 

See Erasmus ISCED Codes

Remember to pay close attention to all application deadlines. The host university/organisation where you plan to study or work/train may have an earlier application deadline separate to our internal deadline here in TU Dublin. Please be sure to check this.

Applicants must ensure that a pdf copy of their online application ( duly signed by both the student and their Academic Co-ordinator ) is submitted to our Erasmus and Exchange Office on or before the below stated deadline:  

2023/2024 - Closing Dates for Semester 1
Application deadline  17th March 2023
2023/2024 - Closing Dates for Semester 2
Application deadline  29th September 2023

Application for the Erasmus study/work programme is different to application for your Erasmus funding.

To qualify for Erasmus funding, a study period abroad must be a minimum of 3 months, and a traineeship period abroad must be a minimum of 2 months. In both cases the maximum duration for funding is 12 months. These durations are set by the European Commission.

Under Erasmus regulations Erasmus students are not charged tuition fees in the European institution that they attend, however there may be other charges to pay to the university, and of course there are costs involved in living abroad. You will need to budget for flights, accommodation, food and other expenses.

Only TU Dublin students who have made a successful application within the deadline(s) can receive an Erasmus Grant.  You will receive an Erasmus pack outlining the required documents for payment of grant.  The Erasmus funding is intended to offset the costs of studying in another EU state; it is not intended to cover all of your costs

Host Country Study Grant Amount per month  Traineeship Grant Amount per month 
Group I - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden,  Liechtenstein, Norway €350 €500
Group II - Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal €300 €450
Group III - Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia €300 €450

Some students who are deemed to be financially disadvantaged may be eligible for  Social Inclusion Supplementary Support Initiative (SISSI) Funding. 

SISSI Rate for Study Mobility - €250 per month extra top-up for those receiving SUSI  

SISSI Rate for Traineeship Mobility - €250 per month extra top-up for those receiving SUSI  

Your grant is usually paid in two instalments - after arrival in your host institution and after departure from your host institution.

The amount a student will receive depends on the country of destination and the duration of the mobility. At the start of the mobility we can only estimate how long you will be abroad on your Erasmus+, and we use this estimation of months to calculate your first payment. The first payment will be 80% of your estimated duration multiplied by the appropriate grant level for your host country as indicated above. Your estimated duration will be entered into your Grant Agreement.

At the end of your mobility, we will take the start date from your confirmation of arrival document, and the end date of your confirmation of departure document and use these to calculate your actual duration.

Please note:

  • If this duration is more than the original estimated duration your second allocation grant will be increased to reflect this change.
  • If it is less than the original estimated duration your second allocation grant will be decreased to reflect this also.

Student Universal Support Initiative (SUSI)

SUSI is the national body responsible for grant support to students in full time third level education. Access the SUSI website directly, for information on making a student grant application. Erasmus funding is not linked to SUSI grants. While on Erasmus abroad, you continue to receive your SUSI grant. Some Erasmus participants who already receive SUSI may be able to avail of extra Erasmus funding. These terms and conditions are clearly explained at your compulsory pre-departure meeting with the TU Dublin Erasmus team.

Students who find themselves in acute financial hardship can apply to the TU Dublin Student Assistance Fund. Contact the Student Services for more information.

Students are requested to contact our Fees Office to complete the necessary forms in order to receive their SUSI grant while on Erasmus abroad.

Contact details for Fees Office:

  Blanchardstown City Centre Tallaght
Student Fees office Tel: +353 1 885 1534
Tel: +353 1 220 7500
Tel: +353 1 404 2053

Insurance while on Erasmus

To be eligible for Erasmus funding, outgoing Erasmus+ students must have valid medical and travel insurance under the Erasmus+ guidelines. The Erasmus Office does not arrange health insurance for students.

Your travel & medical insurance must cover the whole period of time abroad and must include repatriation. In addition, all outgoing trainees must have valid accident and liability insurance.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

All outgoing participants must provide a copy/scan of their valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) showing it is valid for the duration of their stay. Confirmation of Application or Temporary Replacement for EHIC certificates cannot be accepted as proof of EHIC.