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Erasmus+ for Staff

Each year the University applies for a number of ERASMUS grants to allow staff to travel to partner institutions or enterprises for the purpose of Staff Teaching or Staff Training. The number of grants received each year depends on the number utilised in the previous year. For 2020/2021, TU Dublin has received 45 teaching grants and 20 training grants.  

Application for these grants must be made through the University’s Erasmus and Exchange Office in conjunction with your academic manager.

Get in touch with the Erasmus Office for more information – Email:


"Mobility for teaching assignments": this activity allows teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline.

The objectives of this staff mobility for teaching are:

  • To encourage higher education institutions to broaden and enrich the range and content of courses they offer;
  • To allow students who do not have the possibility to participate in a mobility scheme, to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of academic staff from higher education institutions and from invited staff of enterprises in other European countries;
  • To promote exchange of expertise and experience on pedagogical methods;
  • To create links between higher education institutions and with enterprises;
  • To motivate students and staff to become mobile and to assist them in preparing a mobility period

View General and Financial Rules for Teaching Mobility

"Mobility for staff training": this activity supports the professional development of the University’s teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad.

Applications are invited from Academic and Non-Academic Staff members who would be interested in training in one of our partner institutions within the EU/EEA.

A listing of Staff Training Weeks being hosted by our partner institutions can be found here

View General and Financial Rules for Training Mobility

The National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme (HEA) provides financial support for eligible staff, in the form of a travel grant and an individual support. The amount allocated for travel depends on the distance from TU Dublin, and travel cost is defined as the flight cost to the destination of your mobility.  See European Commission’s distance calculator.

The amount allocated for subsistence in each destination can be seen in the below table. This is the maximum amount available to support all other related expenses. Travel grant and individual support funds are allocated separately. The University follows all HEA guidelines for the allocation of staff funding.

Country Minimum and Maximum Amount per day (€)
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway €80 - €180
Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal €70 - €160
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey €60 - €140

*Normal TU Dublin Travel and Subsistence Rates do not apply.