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Erasmus+ at TU Dublin

If you are a full time student at TU Dublin, Erasmus is your once-off opportunity to study at another European institution for a semester or a full academic year, as an integral part of your TU Dublin qualification.  The benefits (academic, social, personal and cultural) of participating in the Erasmus programme are huge. 

The studies you complete at the host institution abroad are arranged in advance, and are fully recognized by TU Dublin through the use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). TU Dublin currently has over 300 partner higher education institutions in almost 30 countries, including traditionally well-known countries such as France and Germany, and also newer EU member-states such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Latvia.

Traineeship (Internship) Abroad

Students whose programmes of study include a work placement may have the opportunity to carry out their placement in an enterprise in another EU state, or in an Erasmus partner institute. TU Dublin works closely with industry partners throughout Europe who offer excellent work placement opportunities to students from a variety of disciplines.

As an Erasmus+ participant you not only gain invaluable academic and/or work training experience, but also have the opportunity to experience life in another country, develop language and intercultural skills, travel and broaden their horizons.

Language Policy

Foreign language proficiency may be required by the host institution/enterprise for participating Erasmus + mobility programme. At TU Dublin, students and staff are selected  for certain destinations based on ability to succeed within the new environment.

Outgoing students are actively encouraged to partake in any language course being provided inside or outside TU Dublin prior to start of their Erasmus mobility, regardless if they will be learning through the host language or English.

Some of TU Dublin’s programmes provide language courses (for mandatory mobility up to two years of courses are undertaken) in preparation of the mobility abroad. In cases where of non-compulsory mobility students can undertake language courses offered through our School of Languages, Law & Social Sciences.

All outgoing students are offered Online Linguistic Support (OLS) as part of the terms and conditions of receiving Erasmus funding. (Where students are studying through the foreign language this is compulsory.) OLS is an online learning tool, designed to assist Erasmus+ participants in improving their language skills before and during their time abroad, in order to maximise the Erasmus experience. OLS makes linguistic support accessible in a flexible and easy way. It also contributes to a specific objective of the Erasmus+ programme, which is to promote language learning and linguistic diversity.

The TU Dublin International Office is responsible for coordinating the Erasmus+ programme. For further information, please email