Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.

Undergraduate Entry Requirements

At TU Dublin, your entry requirements reward academic achievement as well as taking into account your individual circumstances.  As we receive applications from all over the world, and each country sits different exams, it means that each application is given individual attention.

Please note these are general guidelines. Meeting minimum entry requirements does not guarantee entry to any course. Actual requirements will vary depending on your chosen course of study. Please refer to the individual programme page for detailed entry requirements.

Specific entry requirements pertaining to your home country are detailed in the boxes below.


We welcome EU Applicants with high-school qualifications from a European Union or European Free Trade Association country. Information on entry requirements can be found on our CAO hub: EU Applicants | TU Dublin

If you have completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, you can apply for all courses in TU Dublin.

Pass Mark: 4 at standard level where O6 is required. Minimum Entry Requirements/Matriculation Proof of English proficiency is required in all cases. There may also be specific subject requirements for courses.

Min Entry Requirements IB Grade Requirement
Level 8 (3 Honours Requirement) Overall IB Score of 24 which must include 3 Subjects at Grade 5 at Higher Level and 3 Subjects at Grade 4 at Standard Level
Level 8 (2 Honours Requirement) Overall IB Score of 24 and Award of Diploma
Level 7/6 Overall IB Score of 24 and Award of Diploma


Sample Subject Grades
O6 4 at Standard Level
H6/O3 4 at Higher Level, 6 at Standard Level
H5 5 at Higher Level
H4 5 at Higher Level
H3 6 at Higher Level
H2 6 at Higher Level

N.B. For Mathematics requirements, Mathematical Studies is NOT acceptable (although it can be used as a subject to meet general matriculation requirements of passes in 6 subjects). Where Mathematical Studies is presented, a Leaving Certificate grade or GCSE may be used to meet specific mathematics requirements for entry (but not as a 6th matric subject).

Guideline Indicative Equivalence with Irish Leaving Certificate Points
As a guideline it is anticipated that points will be awarded as follows based on the overall IB score assuming sufficient recognised subjects are presented. IB points ÷ 45 × 600 (N.B. only results taken at a single sitting will be included for scoring).

IB 45 42 36 30 27 24
IPS 600 560 480 400 360 320

Bonus Points for Maths (International Baccalaureate)
25 additional points will be awarded for a grade 4 or better on higher level Mathematics ONLY. The bonus points will only be relevant where that subject is scored as one of the applicant’s best four subjects for point purposes.

Recognised School-Leaving Qualification(s) Level 6/7 only
the following qualifications may be recognised for admission to Level 6/7 courses in related areas only. They will be scored to a maximum of 400 points:

  • International Baccalaureate Career-related Certificate

The matriculation and English language requirements are the minimum and will be higher for certain courses and in certain institutions. Applicants must also refer to HEI websites for details of specific subject requirements and previous points requirements.

TU Dublin welcomes applications from international students who have completed A Levels/GCSE qualifications. IGCSE awarded by CAIE will be treated in the same manner as GCSEs awarded by other British boards. 

What are the minimum entry requirements?

What is the minimum I need?

The minimum eligibility criteria follow. Proof of English proficiency is required in all cases. The minimum standard may be higher in individual HEIs and/or for individual courses. There may also be specific subject requirements for courses. Admission to most courses is competitive and for these courses a standard in excess of the minimum is required.

What grade counts as a pass for purposes of admission to HEIs?

The pass grade is a minimum of E at A-level, D at AS or 4/C at GCSE (on a scale of E-A* where A* is best)
What level of English do I need?
The minimum acceptable level of English is Grade 4/C at GCSE Level or E at A-level or D at AS
How do I meet the specific subject requirements?
To compare the subject requirements in terms of Irish Leaving Certificate as specified on the HEI’s website, use the following table:

Subject Grade Comparisons: showing the minimum score to meet each Leaving Cert grade

Leaving Cert A-Level (A2) AS Leaving Cert A-Level (A2) AS GCSE
H1 A   O1 C B 9/A*
H2 B   O2 D C 8/A
H3 B   O3 D C 7/A
H4 C   O4 E D 6/B
H5 C   O5 E D 5/C
H6 D C O6 E D 4/C
H7 E D        

NB the table above is not used for points conversion, only for entry requirement equivalence.

How do I work out my points score?

The equivalence will be calculated as follows:

Points conversion table
Grade Best 3 A-Levels 4th A level AS Level/EPQ1
A* 192 24 24
A 165 24 24
B 142 20 20
C 120 18 18
D 100 16 16
E 67 14 14
Single Sitting

A single sitting refers to a single academic year (i.e. 2025 academic year runs from September 2024-August 2025)

Bonus points for mathematics

25 additional points will be awarded for a grade E or better in A level Mathematics. This applies to only ONE mathematics subject of the following: Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Pure Mathematics, and only where that subject is used as one of the subjects for scoring purposes. NB Mathematics and Pure Mathematics cannot be counted separately for points purposes.


Applicants are scored on a maximum of 4 different subject results at A and/or AS level/EPQ1. For scoring purposes, the following combinations of A Levels and AS Levels are permitted:

  1. The best 4 A level results in a single sitting. If 4 A-levels are presented, the lowest grade is scored at the lower rate.
  2. The best 3 A level results in a single sitting, plus the best AS level result from the previous or the same sitting.
  3. The best 2 A level subject results in a single sitting, plus the best 2 results at AS level from the previous or the same sitting.
  4. The best 1 A level subject result in a single sitting, plus the best 3 results at AS level from the previous or the same sitting.
  • NB Grades in the same subject in A and AS level cannot be combined.

1 Extended project (EPQ) is scored as an AS level (A* is available in this). Throughout this AS level can be read to mean AS level or EPQ.

Important information for all GCE Applicants
  • Evidence of GCSE examinations must be supplied to meet minimum entry requirements.
  • AS Levels must be in different subjects to those taken at A-Level to count for scoring.