Engineering student and Technician at TUDublin Tallaght

Carpentry & Joinery (B862)

  • TU Code: B862
  • SOLAS Trade Code: 80
  • Level: 6
  • Duration: 4 Years
  • Award: National Craft Certificate Apprenticeship
  • Sector: Construction
  • Location: Bolton Street (Linenhall)

On completion of this four-year apprenticeship, you will become a fully qualified Carpenter/Joiner, with a QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate Craft – Carpentry & Joinery.

The Trade of Carpentry & Joinery is very wide and varied, it encompasses most of the skills required by the Wood Trades. The skills required of the Carpenter & Joiner enable them to work in a cross section of domains within the overall trades such as Sitework, Joinery work, maintenance, renovation, shopfitting, exhibition/display work.

The Carpenter and Joiner has to study drawings, perform craft calculations and select materials to meet design requirements at their place of work.

Site Work - Site work is the construction of buildings or houses which require 1st fixing, formwork, roofs and 2nd fixing.

Joinery Shop - This section of the occupation requires the Carpenter & Joiner to engage in setting out, production and assembling items of joinery which include stairs, doors, windows and built-in furniture.

Maintenance - Maintenance work requires the Carpenter & Joiner to carry out a variety of tasks in general maintenance and upkeep of public and private buildings, e.g. shops and factories.

There are other areas associated with the trade which include: renovating buildings, shopfitting, exhibition/display work.

Where apprentices and craftspersons have the necessary ability, initiative and relevant qualifications, opportunities are available for advancement.

These include advanced technology and management opportunities available at Technological Universities, HEA micro-credentials, Schools of Management and Professional Institutes.

Many apprentices use their apprenticeship qualification as a platform to launch careers such as engineers, managers, business owners, teachers and instructors amongst others.

To become an apprentice in Ireland you must be hired by an employer. Apprenticeship employers are formally approved by SOLAS in advance of employing apprentices. Apprentices get a formal contract of employment as part of their apprenticeship.

To find an apprenticeship, you can search apprenticeship vacancies on the Apprenticeship Jobs page. You can search for vacancies by location and by apprenticeship.

Your local Education and Training Board may also hold details of employers seeking to employ an apprentice.

Full eligibility criteria for each apprenticeship is available within the details of each programme.

Joseph Little - Head of Discipline School of Architecture Building and Environment

Tel: +35312206834