Eoin Kilfeather

Email: eoin.kilfeather@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 8576
Eoin leads the team helping to manage the University's research data services and the manages the development of the University's Research Information Systems (RIS and PURE).
Until recently Eoin lead the development team at the National Library of Ireland where he managed the discovery and repository systems which safeguard the Library's metadata and digital collections. He was the Library's Research Group representative on CONUL and was a founder and co-convenor of the Digital Scholarship Network (Ireland).
Prior to that he was a lecturer, team leader and senior researcher in the Digital Media Centre of the Dublin Institute of Technology. There he coordinated the DECIPHER FP7 Digital Libraries project and was PI and work package leader on the Digital Repository of Ireland (PRTLI) project. These projects established public Digital Library infrastructures still in use today.
He is also a dog owner, recreational coder, and a volunteer in the CoderDojo project.