IEO Centre Lazer, FOCAS

Research Impact Training Videos

Welcome to our dedicated research impact training video section, designed to support researchers in understanding, planning, and demonstrating research impact effectively. These videos cover a range of essential topics, providing practical guidance and insights tailored to the diverse needs of our research community. Whether you are new to impact planning or looking to enhance your skills in monitoring and communicating the outcomes of your work, these resources will offer valuable tools and strategies to help you maximise the societal, economic, and academic benefits of your research.

As part of the launch of the Research Impact Framework in September 2024, we are pleased to introduce a suite of companion videos developed by the Research Impact Lead. These videos explain, and provide guidance on implementing, the framework. Designed to complement the framework document, they aim to empower researchers at TU Dublin to embed impact planning into their projects from the outset and communicate their achievements effectively to stakeholders. All videos are short in length (<15 minutes), and subtitles can be enabled if necessary.