Culture, innovation and inclusivity in a Changing Society
We recognise that meeting the challenges of contemporary times and addressing the UN SDGs, particularly with regard to ecological and digital transitions, requires moving beyond disciplinary boundaries and promoting human-centred technological innovation and development. We explore the role of culture and the arts in promoting sustainable development, as well as how innovative approaches based on insights from historical, cultural and social science scholarship can contribute to building more inclusive and resilient societies. We investigate how the processes and dynamics of entrepreneurship and innovation evolve, and how they can be harnessed to address broader societal challenges, such as climate change and social exclusion. Through this work, we aim to contribute to several of the UN SDGs, including SDG 8—Decent Work and Economic Growth, by exploring how we can inform and support entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable economic growth, and SDG 10—Reduced Inequalities, by investigating how we can promote more inclusive and equitable social, cultural and artistic practices.
Culture & Society Research Hub
The Culture & Society Research Hub (C&S+) is motivated by the view that culture and society have a central role to play in the development of our technological university. The Hub supports the continued development of research in areas including: creative and performing arts; education; media studies; digital studies; digital humanities; sustainable tourism and food; and equality, diversity and inclusion. Research in this Hub has a strong commitment to advancing the UN SDGs and to building a secure and socially inclusive society. It has a strong practice-based approach firmly premised on multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary activity and collaboration.
Culture & Society Research Hub recognises the need to move beyond disciplinary boundaries to meet the challenges of contemporary times and address the SDGs, particularly in respect of the dual transitions - ecological and digital – that can only be met by bringing human centred technological innovation and development to the forefront of research. To this end the Hub studies both the historical, cultural and social aspects of ecological catastrophe (Anthropocene) and the historical and cultural implications of Digital technologies (as instruments and processes of becoming human).
Executive Committee
The C&S+ Research Hub Executive Committee guides the direction of the Hub. It is comprised of leading TU Dublin Researchers in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences along with colleagues with experience in Science, Technology and Engineering. The Hub Executive Committee members are both established Principal Investigators and Early Career Researchers.