- Mogilev, P, Kusegenov, D., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Koshulko, O., Modeling dynamics of cryptocurrency XRP using tweets, news, and GMDH-based algorithms, International Workshop on Inductive Modeling IWIM, 2022
- Shushkevich, E., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., BERT-based Classifiers for Fake News Detection on Short and Long Texts with Noisy Data: A Comparative Analysis International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue, Springer LNAI 13502, pp 263-274, 2022
- Loranca, M.B.B., Rosales, J.E., Orea, M.H., Cardiff, J., A statistical evaluation of the oral vaccine S3pvac papaya against cysticercosis of taenia psiformis, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 42(5), pp. 4369–4378
- Shushkevich, E., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Covid-19 Fake News Detection: A Survey, Computacion y Sistemas Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 25, No 4, 2021
- Buzova, D., Sanz-Blas, S., Cardiff, J., Pérez-Pérez, I., Tecnología móvil y educación superior: un análisis temático y de contenido, INNODOCT 2021, Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, Valencia, 2021, DOI: 10.4995/INN2021.2021.13643
- Buzova, D., Sanz-Blas, S., Cardiff, J., Pérez-Pérez, Dependencia a los medios sociales y plataformas de opinión. un estudio centrado en el sector turístico, INNODOCT 2021, Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, Valencia, 2021, DOI: 10.4995/INN2021.2021.13643
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff, J., Detecting fake news about Covid-19 on small datasets with machine learning algorithms, 30th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 253-258, 2021
- Shushkevich, E., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Detecting fake news about Covid-19 using classifiers from Scikit-learn, IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT)
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff, J., TUDublin team at Constraint@ AAAI2021--COVID19 Fake News Detection, CONSTRAINT-2021, arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.05701, 2021
- Mogilev, P, Boldyreva, A., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., GMDH-based Models for Mid-term Forecast of Cryptocurrencies (on example of Waves) IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT), 2020
- Akhtyamova, L., Martínez, P., Verspoor, K., Cardiff, J., Testing Contextualized Word Embeddings to Improve NER in Spanish Clinical Case Narratives, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 164717-164726, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3018688, 2020
- Akhtyamova L., Cardiff J., LM-Based Word Embeddings Improve Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: A Detailed Analysis. In: Rojas I., Valenzuela O., Rojas F., Herrera L., Ortuño F. (eds) Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IWBBIO 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12108. Springer, Cham., 2020
- Popova, S., Danilova, D., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Improving Keyphrase Extraction Using LL-ranking, In: Shakhovska N., Medykovskyy M.O. (eds) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing IV. CSIT 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1080. Springer, 2020
- Silva, P., Perez-Tellez, F., Cardiff, J., An Univariable Approach for Forecasting Workload in the Maintenance industry, 7th Int. Symposium on Language and Knowledge Engineering, to be published in Computacion y Sistemas Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 24, No. 2 pp. 645-649, 2020
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff, J., Rosso, P., Offensive language recognition in social media, 7th Int. Symposium on Language and Knowledge Engineering, Computacion y Sistemas Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 24, No.2, pp. 523-532, 2020
- Gómez-Aguilella M.J., Cardiff, J., Destination Satisfaction in Senior Tourism: A Case Study, INNODOCT: Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, Valencia, Spain, 2019
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff, J., Automatic Misogyny Detection in Social Media: A Survey, Computacion y Sistemas Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 23, No. 4, pp. 1159-1164, 2019
- Zverev, S., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Shushkevich, E., Catena, A., Stefanovskiy, D., Classification of Schoolchildren on Professional Trajectories using Experience of Successful Specialists, International Workshop on Inductive Modeling IWIM’2019, Lviv 2019
- Gómez-Aguilella M.J., Cardiff, J., The Importance of Engagement on Social Media Platforms: A Case Study, Studies in Educational Management Vol.1(1), pp 1-7, EuroKD, 2019
- Shushkevich E., Cardiff J., Rosso P., TUVD team at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offense target identification. In Proceedings of The 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), pp 770-774, Association of Computational Linguistics, 2019
- Akhtyamova, L., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Koshulko, O.: Opinion Mining on Small and Noisy Samples of Health-Related Texts, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing III, Springer 2019
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff J.: Misogyny Detection and Classification in English Tweets: The Experience of the ITT Team, EVALITA 2018, Evaluation of NLP and speech tools for Italian, 2018
- Shushkevich, E., Cardiff J.: Classifying Misogynistic Tweets Using a Blended Model: The AMI Shared Task in IBEREVAL 2018, Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages Workshop, CEUR Proceedings vol 2150, 2018
- Akhtyamova, L., Cardiff, J., Extracting Drug-Drug Interactions with Character-Level and Dependency-Based Embeddings, Proceedings of the 2018 Text Analysis Conference, TAC, 2018
- Akhtyamova, L., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Koshulko, O.: Building Classifiers with GMDH for Health Social Networks (DB AskaPatient). In: Proc. of the Intern. Workshop on Inductive Modelling (IWIM-2018), IEEE, 2018
- Skitalinskaya G., Cardiff J., Multilabel text classification of unbalanced datasets: Two-pass NNMF, 19th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 18–24, 2018, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2018
- Alexandrov M., Skitalinskaya G., Cardiff J., Koshulko O., Shushkevich E., Classifiers for Yelp-reviews based on GMDH-algorithms, 19th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 18–24, 2018, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2018
- Skitalinska G., Akhtyamova L., Cardiff J., Cross-genre Gender Identification in Russian Texts Using Topic Modeling Working Note, In: Notebook Papers of FIRE 2017, FIRE-2017, Bangalore, India, December 8-10, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ,
- Skitalinskaya, G., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Comparison of two-pass algorithms for dynamic topic modeling based on matrix decompositions, 16th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), Springer LNAI, 2017
- Gomez Aguilella, M.J., Cardiff, J., Engagement as a Key Mediator Variable in User Generated Content on Social Media Platforms, INNODOCT: Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, Valencia, Spain, 2017
- Akhtyamova, L., Cardiff, J., Ignatov, A., Twitter Author Profiling Using Word Embeddings and Logistic Regression, 17th Evaluation Lab on Digital Text Forensics, PAN @ CLEF 2017, Dublin, 2017
- Akhtyamova, L., Alexandrov, M., Cardiff, J., Review of Trends in Health Social Media Analysis, 12th Int. Conf on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), Lviv, Ukraine, 2017
- Akhtyamova, L., Cardiff, J., Alexandrov, M., Adverse Drug Extraction in Twitter Data using Convolutional Neural Network, 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (TIR woskshop), Springer LNCS, Vol 10438, 2017
- Akhtyamova, L., Ignatov, A., Cardiff, J., A Large-Scale CNN Ensemble for Medication Safety Analysis, 22nd International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems, NLDB 2017, Springer Verlag LNCS Vol. 10260, 2017
- Gomez Aguilella, M.J., Cardiff, J., An Examination of the Interplay between Satisfaction, Engagement and User Generated Content in the Field of Touristic Events, 22nd International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC), 2017
- Pérez F., Cardiff, J., Pinto D., Rosso P., Prototype/Topic based clustering method for weblogs, Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 47-65, IOS Press, 2016
- Belda Mullor, G., Cardiff, J., Sánchez García, J., Harnessing Social Pressure in Altruistic Domains: A Twitter Case Study, INNODOCT 2016: Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, 2016
- Roshchina A., Cardiff J., Rosso P., TWIN: Personality-based Recommender System, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 2059-2071, IOS Press, DOI 10.3233/IFS-141484, 2015
- Pérez F., Cardiff, J., Pinto D., Rosso P., Weblog and short text feature extraction and impact on categorisation, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 27 Issue 5, pp. 2529-2544, DOI:10.3233/IFS-141227, IOS Press, 2014
- Pérez F., Cardiff, J., Pinto D., Rosso P., Disambiguating Company Names in Microblog Text Using Clustering for Online Reputation Management, Revista SIGNOS - Journal of Linguistic Studies, Vol 48, no. 87, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-09342015000100003, 2015
- Panicheva, P., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Identifying Subjective Statements in News Titles Using a Personal Sense Annotation Framework, Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, JASIST 64(7): 1411-1422 (2013), DOI: 10.1002/asi.22841, 2013
- Callarisa, L., Sánchez García, J., Cardiff, J., Roshchina, A., Harnessing Social Media Platforms to Measure Customer-based Hotel Brand Equity, International Journal of Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 4, pp. 73-79, DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2012.04.005, 2012
- Roshchina A., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Evaluating the Similarity Estimator component of the TWIN Personality-based Recommender System, in LREC 2012 - 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, 2012
- Sánchez García, J., Callarisa, L., Cardiff, J., Roshchina, A., Análisis del valor de marca de las top 10 cadenas hoteleras en las top 10 ciudades a través de las comunidades virtuales, in Estrategias Competitivas en Canales de Distribución Comercial Tradicional Versus On-Line, pp. 381-407, Casielles,Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Estrada Alonso, González Mieres (coordinadores), Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial, ISBN 978-84-8367-357-7 (book chapter, in Spanish), 2011
- Roshchina A., Cardiff J., Rosso P., User Profile Construction in the TWIN Personality-based Recommender System, Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology SAAIP, 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, IJCNLP, 2011
- Roshchina A., Cardiff J., Rosso P., A Comparative Evaluation of Personality Estimation Algorithms for the TWIN Recommender System, in Proc. CIKM 3rd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents, SMUC-2011, 2011
- Pérez F., Pinto D., Cardiff J., Rosso P., On the Difficulty of Clustering Microblog Texts for Online Reputation Management, 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (WASSA), 2011
- Carmody, L., Sherry, E., Cardiff, J., An Andragogical Approach to the Design of an E-Training Solution for Healthcare Professionals, ED-MEDIA-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, AACE 2010
- Pérez F., Pinto D., Cardiff J., Rosso P., On the Difficulty of Clustering Company Tweets. In: Proc. CIKM 2nd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents, SMUC-2010, 2010
- Mitina, M., Magee, P. and Cardiff, J., Applying Ontology Matching Techniques in Automatic Correction. International Conference on Educational and Information Technology 2010.
- Carmody, L., Sherry, E., Cardiff, J., The MEDeLEARN Project - Learner Centered Design for the Healthcare Professional, 15th HISI Conference, 2010
- Pérez F., Pinto D., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Clustering Weblogs on the Basis of a Topic Detection Method. In: Proc. 2nd Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR-2010, Springer Verlag LNCS 6256, 2010
- Panicheva, P., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Identifying Writers’ Background by Comparing Personal Sense Thesauri, Proc 15th Int. Conf. on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems NLDB 2010, Springer-Verlag LNCS 6177, pp. 288–295, 2010
- Panicheva, P., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Personal Sense and Idiolect: Combining Authorship Attribution and Opinion Analysis, LREC 2010 - 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2010
- Mitina, M., Magee, P. and Cardiff, J., New Trends in Automatic Assessment: Ontology Matching. 10th IT&T Conference 2010
- Carmody, L., Sherry, E., Cardiff, J., Healthcare Professional Roles: The Ontology Model for E-Learning, EdTech 2010 - 11th ILTA Conference, 2010
- Perez Tellez F., Pinto D., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Defining and Evaluating Weblog Characteristics, MICAI - Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI ), IEEE, 2009
- Panicheva P., Cardiff J., Rosso P., A Co-occurrence Based Personal Sense Approach to Opinion Mining. In: Proc. 1st Workshop on on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis (WOMSA), CAEPIA-TTIA Conference, Seville, Spain, pp. 205-212, 2009
- Cardiff, J., Evolution of the Semantic Web (invited paper), Proc. 2nd Workshop on Semantic Web and New Technologies (SemWeb09), Puebla, Mexico, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol 534, 2009
- Perez Tellez F., Pinto D., Cardiff J., Rosso P., A Methodology to Cluster Informal Language Register Data, Indian Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence IICAI-09, Special session on Web 2.0 and Natural Language Engineering Task, pp. 1391-1401, 2009.
- Mitina, M., Magee, P., Cardiff, J., Adaptive Assessment in E-Learning Systems, Proceedings IADIS Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 266-269, 2009
- Perez Tellez F., Pinto D., Rosso P., Cardiff J., Improving the Clustering of Blogosphere with a Self-Term Enriching Technique, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009, Springer-Verlag, LNAI (5729), pp. 40-49, 2009.
- Perez Tellez F., Pinto D., Rosso P., Cardiff J., Characterizing Weblog Corpora, Proc 14th Int. Conf. on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2009, Springer-Verlag LNCS 5723, pp. 299-300, 2009
- Perez F., Pinto D., Rosso P., Cardiff J. Constructing ontologies for narrow domains: Methodology for term extraction and relationship discovery, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. for Internet Technology and Security Transactions, ICITST-2008, 2008
- Roshchina A., Cardiff J., Rosso P., Troussov A. Ontological data freshness on the Social Web. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. for Internet Technology and Security Transactions, ICITST-2008, 2008
Selected Other Publications
- Doody, J., O'Reilly, D., Cardiff, J., Magee, P., Reflections on teaching and learning activities in an open source virtual learning environment in a distance learning context, Proc. ICDE22, 2006
- Hand, A., Cardiff, J., Magee, P., Doody, J., The Development of a Service Route Finder (SRF) prototype using SAGESS (Spatial Application Generic Environment System Standards), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Volume 5, Issue 3 , Pages 201-208, Autumn 2006.
- Cardiff, J., Catarci, T., Passeri, M., Santucci, G. , Querying Multiple Databases Dynamically on the World Wide Web, Proc Int Conference on Web Information System Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000
- Kavanagh, J., Cardiff, J., A Metadata Framework for Federated Databases, “Experiences Using Object Data Management in the Real World, Workshop at OOPSLA’97, Atlanta, 1997
- Catarci, T., Santucci, G., Cardiff, J., Graphical Interaction with Heterogeneous Databases, VLDB Journal, 6(2), June 1997
- Catarci, T., Santucci, G., Cardiff, J., Exploitation of Interschema Knowledge in a Multidatabase System, Proceedings of the 4th KRDB Workshop, Athens, 1997
- Cardiff, J., Catarci, T., Santucci, G., Semantic Query Processing in the Venus Environment,, International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, June 1997
- Roantree, M., Hickey, P., Murphy, J., Cardiff J., Metadata Modelling of Healthcare Applications in a Federated Database System, Trends in Distributed Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 1161), Springer Verlag 1996
- Cardiff, J., Catarci, T., Santucci, G., Distributed Semantic Query Processing in a Cooperative Information System, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Vienna, 1995
- Cardiff, J., Murphy, J., (eds.), Object Oriented Information Systems (OOIS-95), Proceedings of the Industry Day, Centre for Software Engineering, 1995
- Catarci, T., Santucci, G., Cardiff, J., Semantic Schema Integration in a Heterogeneous Database Environment, Int. Conf. on Next Generation Database Systems, Israel, 1995
- O’Sullivan, S., Alexander, D., Cardiff, J., Reuse Methodology in Decision Support Systems, International Conference on Telecommunications Information Systems, Korea, 1994
- Cardiff, J., Semantic Query Optimisation in Heterogeneous DBMSs, Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1994
- Li Yin, A.M., Grimson, J., Cardiff, J., Metadata Management in a Multidatabase Environment, Database Technology 4(4), pp. 287-296, Pergamon Press, 1993
- Cardiff, J., Catarci, T., Ferrara, F., Unified Access to Distributed Heterogeneous Databases: An Object-Oriented Approach, Database Technology 4(4), pp. 215-226, Pergamon Press, 1993
- Grimson, J., Given, P., Cardiff, J., O'Moore, R., Boran, G., Intelligent Interoperability, Proc. of the IFIP DS-5 Conference on Semantics of Interoperable Database Systems, 1992
- Cardiff, J., Catarci, T., Ferrara, F., A User Interface Providing Unified Access to Distributed Heterogeneous Databases based on an Object-Oriented Model, Proc. of the Third Int. Conf. on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Lyon, 1992
- Cardiff, J., Orlowska, M., A Geometric Model of Relational Databses and its Application for Query Optimisation, Database Technology 4(2), pp. 97-114, Pergamon Press, 1992
- Cardiff, J., Orlowska, M., A Geometric Framework for Query Optimisation and Constraint Consistency in Relational Databases, Databases in the 1990's: 2, World Scientific Publishing, 1991
- Cardiff, J., Orlowska, M., A Geometric Approach to Semantic Query Optimisation in Relational Databases, Proc. of the Fifth Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Elsevier Publishing Co., 1990
- Cardiff, J., The Use of Integrity Constraints to Perform Query Transformations in Relational Databases, Proc. PARBASE-90, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990