Integration of Microstrip Patch Antenna with Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cell 
S. V.  Shynu, M.  J.  Roo Ons, P.  McEvoy, M.  J.  Ammann, S.  J.  Mc Cormack and B.  Norton.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas & PropagationAP-57, (12), pp.  3969-3972, 2009.

Antenna Optimisation with a Computationally Efficient Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm 
M. John and M.  J.  Ammann. 
IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, AP-57, (1), pp.  260-263, 2009.

A Printed CPW-fed Slot-Loop Antenna with Narrowband Omnidirectional Features 
S. V.  Shynu and M.  J.  Ammann  
IEE Proceedings Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, 3, (4), pp.  673-680, 2009.

Microstrip-Fed Dual-Frequency Annular-Slot Antenna Loaded by Split-Ring Slot   
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.  
IEE Proceedings Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, 3, (5), pp.  757-764, 2009.

Radial EBG Cell Layout for GPS Patch Antennas
G. Ruvio, X.  L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 45, (13), pp.  663- 664, 2009.

Emitter-Wrap-Through Photovoltaic Dipole Antenna with Solar Concentrator
M. J.  Roo Ons, S.  V.  Shynu, M.  J.  Ammann, S.  J.  McCormack and B.  Norton. 
Electronics Letters, 45, (5), pp.  241-243, 2009.


A Quarterwave Metal Plate Solar Antenna
S. V.  Shynu, M.  J.  Ammann and B.  Norton.
Electronics Letters, 44, (9), pp.  570-571, 2008.

Dual-Frequency Dual Circularly-Polarized Patch Antenna with Wide Beamwidth
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 44, (21), pp.  1233-1234, 2008.

Group Velocity Dispersion Reduction in Fibre-based Slow-light Systems via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
R. Henker, A.  Wiatrek, K.-U.  Lauterbach, M.  J.  Ammann et al.
Electronics Letters, 44, (20), pp.  1185-1187, 2008.

Reduction of Groundplane-Dependent Effects on Microstrip-fed Printed Rectangular Monopoles
M.  John, J.  A.  Evans, M.  J.  Ammann, J.  C.  Modro and Z.  N.  Chen.
IEE Proceedings Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, 2, (1), pp.  42-47, 2008.


Spline-Based Geometry for Printed Monopole Antennas
M. John and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 43, (6), pp.  317-319, 2007.

Small Patch/Slot Antenna with 53% Input Impedance Bandwidt
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 43, (3), pp.  146-148, 2007.

Dual-frequency Circularly-polarized Patch Antenna with Compact Size and Small Frequency Ratio
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, AP-55, (7), pp.  2104-2107, 2007.

Wideband Printed Monopole Design using a Genetic Algorithm
M. John and M.  J.  Ammann.
IEEE Antennas & Wireless Propagation Letters, 6, pp.  447-449, 2007.


A Comparative Test of Brillouin Amplification and Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplification for the Generation of a 40 GHz Millimeter-Wave Signal with Low Phase Noise Properties
M. Junker, M.  J.  Ammann, A.  T.  Schwarzbacher, Th.  Schneider and K.  U.  Lauterbach.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, MTT-54, (4), pp.  1576-1581, 2006.

Planar Antennas; Promising Solutions for Microwave UWB Applications
Z. N Chen, M.  J Ammann, X.  Qing, X.  H.  Wu, T.  S.  P.  See and A.  Cai.
IEEE Microwave Magazine 2006, 7, (6), pp.  63-73.

Compact Concentric Annular-ring Patch Antenna for Triple-frequency Operation
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 42, (20), pp.  1129-1130, 2006.

Compact Annular-ring Embedded Circular Patch Antenna with a Cross-slot Ground Plane for Circular Polarization
X. L.  Bao and M.  J.  Ammann.
Electronics Letters, 42, (4), pp.  192-193, 2006.

A Novel GPS Patch Antenna on a Fractal Hi-Impedance Surface Substrate
X. L.  Bao, G.  Ruvio, M.  J.  Ammann and M.  John.
IEEE Antennas & Wireless Propagation Letters, 5, (1), pp.  323-326, 2006.


Optimum Design of the Printed Strip Monopole
M. J.  Ammann and M.  John.
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine 2005, 47, (6), pp.  59-61.


Investigation on L-shaped Planar Antennas
M. J.  Ammann and Z.  N.  Chen.
Radio Science 2004, 39, (2), pp.  RS2009.


Circular  Annular Planar Monopole Antennas with EM Coupling
N.  Chen, M.  J.  Ammann, M.  Y.  W.  Chia and S.  P. See.
IEE Proceedings Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, 150, (4), pp.  269-273, 2003.

A Wideband Shorted Planar Monopole with Bevel
M. J.  Ammann and Z.  N.  Chen.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, AP-51, (4), pp.  901-903, 2003.

Wideband Monopole Antennas for Multiband Wireless Systems
M. J.  Ammann and Z.  N.  Chen.
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, 45, (2), pp.  146-150, 2003.

Optimization and Comparison of Broadband Monopoles
Z. N.  Chen, M.  Y.  W.  Chia, and M.  J.  Ammann.
IEE Proceedings Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, 150, (6), pp.  429-435, 2003.