Growvalve - Research Ireland- Frontiers for the Future

Current heart valve replacements in paediatric surgery come with a major limitation: they cannot grow with the child. This forces young patients to undergo multiple surgeries as their hearts expand with age, a challenging and painful reality for both children and their families. Growvalve seeks to change this narrative by developing a living, biologically integrated valve that grows in tandem with the child’s heart. Growvalve uses a combination of natural materials and cutting-edge engineering to craft a personalised, living valve derived from a child’s own cells.

NoBoCap - Notified Body Capacity - Funded by EU4Health, Dr Graham Gavin leads the TU Dublin work on this project which is addressing skills shortages in Notified Bodies across the EU. This project will improve medical device and in vitro diagnostic device market operators' knowledge and Device regulatory applications under MDR and IVDR while also providing other resources for Notified Bodies.

VASCUSENSE  Vascusense is a DTIF project with four consortium partners including, an advanced startup medical device company, an established medical device manufacturer and two university partners, including TU Dublin. The project is aiming to design and develop a disruptive technology for the endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) Disruptive Technology Innovation Fund- Enterprise Ireland. P.I. Dr. Graham Gavin.

Under the IoT for environmental monitoring theme and through POSTlab, the following projects can be listed as European partner projects that tPOT are involved with:

FRIEND-NOW - FutuRe telecommunication InfrastructurEs aND Next-generatiOn netWorks Education Program (Erasmus Mundus Design Measures)

SmartDUMP - Digital transformation for a more efficient, manageable, ecological, and sustAInable dumping ground Agencia Estatal de Investigación

ATLANTIC-eVISION: Cross-Atlantic Experimental Validation of Intelligent SDN-controlled IoT Networks. Dr. Sachin Sharma was Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Coordinator (H2020 NGIAtlantic project): ATLANTIC-eVISION


One of the key facets of tPOT research in the smart spaces and systems theme is towards a series of interlinked challenges around independent living, Smart Healthy Age Friendly Environments (SHAFE), digital literacy, e-inclusion and associated ethical considerations. The work by tPOT researchers in this research sphere has led to our involvement in a series of EU-funded and nationally funded projects.

Smart Dementia Care aims to develop a computerized solution to support people with dementia to remain healthy and live independently. It will integrate techniques from Human-Computer Interaction to develop an intelligent user interface specifically designed for persons with dementia, from the Internet (SFI Frontiers of the Future)

Inclusion4EU investigates Co-Design as a methodology to make the software development process more inclusive, starting from the education of future Computer Science professionals (ERASMUS+)

Ethics4EU researches and develops new curricula, best practices and learning resources that can be used in class by Computer Science and Software Engineering teachers. (ERASMUS+)

CODESIGN (Co-creating DEmentia Support for InteGrated care) will develop a platform for persons living with dementia (PLwD) integrating their personalized care planning with wider dementia support and services from the Department of Health and support groups, to allow communication, engagement and shared decision making among PLwD and their formal and informal carers.

EU-SHAFE: investigated best practices for SHAFE to influence European policy for smart healthy age-friendly environments. The project team gathered, disseminated and exchanged selected best practices of award-winning age-friendly regions across Europe.

Hands-on SHAFE: focused on developing training resources for carers, through a codesign process with experienced decisionmakers across Europe to help older people to live independently for longer. The resulting extensive informal training content is available in 6 European languages. We are currently seeking an extension of this project

EU Cyber Cert Ready Focuses on assessing the Preparedness of SMEs in Ireland for Cybersecurity Certifications under new EU Cybersecurity regulations

To facilitate efficient certification processes envisioned in the Cybersecurity Act 2019, supported by new EU regulations, EU member states are undertaking capacity-building initiatives, including projects like Trustboost (2024-2027) co-funded under the Digital Europe Programme by the EU Commission and the ECCC.

Trust Boost aims to establish a collaborative platform for information exchange among stakeholders, including the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), involved in EU certification activities, engaging SMEs, and other stakeholders through pilot certifications under EU certification schemes. However, their readiness to participate in these certification activities remains uncertain.

The EU Cyber Cert Ready research project, funded by the NSAI, seeks to assess the readiness of SMEs and other stakeholders in Ireland for certification under such schemes and implement technological interventions, to support SMEs and other key stakeholders in adopting these emerging frameworks.


Funded Postgraduate Research at tPOT

tPOT includes over 30 PhD students and researchers who are supervised by tPOT members. These students are funded through a combination of external funding sources including, SFI centres for research training, SFI Research Centres, Irish Research Council (Research Ireland) and Enterprise Ireland.