The towards People Oriented Technology Research Centre (tPOT) comprises members who are based across three TU Dublin campuses. Centre researchers conduct sustainable research and development into human-centric and planet-centric systems through co-design and engagement. A key focus is on technology that affects or interacts with people generally or with the human body.
The centre's transdisciplinary research activities focus on the following themes:
Human Centred Design (including co-design and digital inclusion)
- This theme is a pervasive one for tPOT activities and emphasises the direct involvement of users and other key stakeholders across design, implementation and evaluation phases of research
Smart Spaces & Systems (including human computer interfaces, assistive technology & e-health)
- The Smart Spaces and Systems theme seeks to make the environments we inhabit responsive and human-centred through the application of technology.
Biomedical Eng. (medical devices, biomedical signals, electromechanical & diagnostics).
- The biomedical research theme within the tPOT Research Centre focuses on technology development in the broad area of health and well-being.
IoT based environmental monitoring (POSTlab), (including digital twin earth, geospatial data, geo-information models and quality, SDG indicator measurement & reporting).
- The IoT-based environmental research theme focuses on integrating IoT and digital twin technologies to better gather, process, visualize and share environmental data