RESC is housed in a 200 m2 laboratory in the Physical to Life Sciences Research Hub and the following facilities are available:
- Cell culture suites, one designated for tissue / blood and one for mammalian cell lines (including two Class II Biological Safety Cabinets, four CO2 incubators, centrifuges, microscopes, plate readers, Coulter counter, autoclave)
- Molecular biology suite (including real time PCR, electrophoresis equipment, Syngene Gel Visualisation System, centrifuges)
- Environmental toxicology suite (including two Class II Biological Safety Cabinets, two cooled incubators, two algal incubators, aquarium with temperature control and light/dark settings, Microtox system for bacterial toxicity assessment and a multi-trophic battery of freshwater and marine test species).
- Imaging suite (including two HORIBA Jobin Yvon XploRA Raman microscopes, an Agilent FTIR Imaging Microscope, Daylight Solutions Spero QCL IR microscope, Nikon fluorescence microscope, Andor Technology Komet workstation for the comet DNA damage assay, GelCount colony counter for multi-well plates and T25 flasks)
In addition, RESC has full access to the core spectroscopy, microscopy and sample preparation laboratories in the 3200 m2 Physical to Life Sciences Research Hub, including UV/Vis/NIR absorption spectrometers, two Fourier Transform infrared microscopes, a fluorescence spectrometer and three multi line Raman spectroscopic microscopes, an AFM, variable pressure SEM with cryofeed, confocal laser scanning microscope, Stellaris Coherent Raman Scattering microscope, Cell Observer system and flow cytometer.