New Product Development consultancy projects supported by Enterprise Ireland (Innovation Voucher) with:
Hanateatonics Ltd., Dublin
V-Face Burgers Ltd., Stoneybatter, Dublin 7
ConTraas Ltd, Tipperary
Mooze Vegan Ltd., Dublin
Riverhills Foods Limited, Dublin 2
New Product Development consultancy projects supported by Intertrade Ireland with:
Chapman Foods Battlehill Ltd, Portadown
Tasty Foods Cuisine Ltd, Belfast
Globeire Dutyfree Limited, Burnfoot, Donegal
La Dolce Vitae Ltd (Fusion project), Newry
National Funded Research Projects:
Monaghan Mushrooms, Tyholland, Monaghan and supported by the Irish Research Council:
Characterisation of by-products from waste generated in the production and processing of the commercial mushroom, Agaricus bisporus and evaluation and feasibility of their value as food/pharmaceutical ingredients and additives
The flavour chemistry of selected edible mushrooms species and their sensory perception
Dept Agriculture Food & Marine
Assessment of the raw material supply, requirements and by-product production and potential added value uses in the Irish brewing and distilling sector.
Designing and developing health-promoting and sustainable meat-based comminuted products.