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CSINC (Computer Science Inclusive) is a Computer Science Education (CSEd) Research Group, that specializes in three areas of CSEd: K-12 Outreach, K-12 Teacher Professional Development and Third Level CSEd research and practice.

The CSINC research group conducts research at third level in the areas of Machine Learning, Addressing Anxiety in year one programming, Growth Mindset and pedagogical approaches to teaching computer science.

Our research has a Computer Science education focus. As part of our Computer Science outreach camps we are running a large-scale study on Student perceptions of Computer science as well as their self-efficacy in programming. This research has been conducted with in excess of 9000 secondary school students and informs the further delivery of outreach to this student group. Our research also includes investigation into secondary school teachers programming self-efficacy so as to inform the delivery of teacher CPD for those teaching or aspiring to teacher Computer Science as a leaving certificate subject.