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Lucía Morales

Image for Lucía  Morales



Dr. Lucía Morales is an Educator and Active Researcher in the School of Accounting and Finance at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). Before her academic career, Lucía worked in the private sector, holding different roles: Assistant Financial Manager, Financial Manager, and Foreign Department Analyst (Bank). Lucía has worked at various Higher Education Institutions in Ireland, the U.K., and Spain, gaining an in-depth understanding of the main challenges faced by Third Level Institutions in the fields of Economics, Finance, Education, and Online Education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Research/Practice Interests: Lucía’s Specialist Subject Areas & Research Interests include International Economics and Finance, Financial Economics, Time Series, Asian Studies, Emerging Markets, Economic and Financial Crises, Financial Markets Integration, Economic and Financial Contagion, Energy Economics and Commodity Markets, Economic Development, International Capital Markets, Data Science, Education, Distance Learning, and Critical Thinking, Action Research, Action Learning, and Self-regulated Learning. Currently, Lucía is working on developing a connection between Time Series Analysis and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to enhance her understanding of Economic and Financial dynamics. Additionally, Lucía is interested in the economic dimension derived of inequality and diversification in a global context.



Image for Lucía  Morales