Dr. Bujar Raufi

Assistant Lecturer
Email: bujar.raufi@tudublin.ie
Bujar Raufi holds a PhD in Communications and Computer Technologies – Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks from Technical University in Sofia, Bulgaria. Bujar's research background is in designing and implementing new approaches and directions regarding user Adaptive Intelligent Systems by fusing Data Mining and IR techniques with Semantic Web. He has been awarded Marie Curie, fellowship, in 2020 and he is researching in the field of Human Mental Workload and personalization. The fellowship involved developing personalized user interfaces based on Cognitive load, more precisely utilizing Human mental Workload in generating indexes for user modelling and personalization.
Prior to joining TU Dublin, Bujar spent seventeen years working as a teaching assistant at South-East European University and three years on the online learning team, where he was responsible for the implementation and dissemination of the Digital Learning materials for various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in computer science programs.
Research Interests
- Mental Workload and Personalization
- Machine Learning
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Research Groups
Social Media