The proposed research centre is aligned with the following TU Dublin priority research areas:
- Culture, Innovation and Inclusivity in a Changing Society.
- Health and Wellbeing for a Resilient Society.
- Transformative Digital Solutions
Along with this, it also aligns with the extremely important UN Sustainable Development Goals, and notably, they will support:
- Inclusive/equitable quality education, promoting life-long learning opportunities for all by equipping TU-Dublin with models and knowledge on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI) that will allow interactive AI technology design and production, supporting the development of relevant skill sets in graduate and postgraduate programmes.
- Developing resilient infrastructures and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation by fostering innovation by deploying and exploiting XAI-based technologies that are transparent and responsible for inclusive design.
- This inclusive design will support the goal of reducing inequalities among people, allowing the development of interactive AI-based technologies aligned to individual differences that are responsible and trustworthy, promote well-being, minimise burnout, and maximise human performance. This supports the intent of TU Dublin to design novel solutions that support living and working in a balanced way.
The research centre will extend research capacity and capability at TU Dublin in the domain of ICT, specifically in Artificial Intelligence. It will also create new research capacity and capability in other domains, including Environment, Energy & health and society, and culture & enterprise. In detail, to achieve such new forms of research capacity and capability, the main impact goals of the research centre are to:
- provide evidence of the utility of research in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI) and resulting AI-based solutions on human-centred design outside computer science that are transparent, responsible, trustworthy, and aligned with humans.
- pave a new path for future primary research of xAI in other disciplines, supporting the vision of TU Dublin to enable truly inter-multi-trans disciplinary approaches to research that will have a significant theoretical impact (contribution to research capacity-building);
- demonstrate the impact of research on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence for humans in other application fields (outside ICT), including Education, Health, and Sustainable Technology Design.