Join us for our upcoming QQI Webinar on 22nd January. Register here
Prof Svetlana MIntova Uni. of Caen France Zeolite nanocomposites for sensing applications
Prof Tsvetanka Babeva IOMT, BAS, Bulgaria Characterisation of optical properties of thin films
Dr. Dana Mackey TU Dublin Theoretical modeling of holographic recording in photopolymer materials
Assoc. Prof. Dimana Nazarova IOMT, BAS, Bulgaria SFI SIRG Holowave project 
Jim Healy NuLumenTek Multiple EI co-funded project and direct project support
Prof John Cassidy TU Dublin Development of holographic sensors
Dr. Ali K. Yetisen Imperial College London, UK Development and theoretical modeling of holographic sensors

Dr. Maria Collados

Prof. Jesus Atencia

University of Zaragoza (Spain)

HOE Development, Lightshape project 2022 

Stacked gratings 2020  OSA | Stacked volume holographic gratings

Dr. Sean Garner Glass Inc (US) Gratings and HOEs on flexible substrates
OSA | Stacked volume holographic gratings
Diffractive Optical Elements on Flexible Substrates
Assoc. Prof. Charles Leroux  University of Nîmes, France  IRC Ulysses project 
Dr. Matt Sheehan TU Dublin IRC Ulysses project, student project supervision, student project supervision
Prof. James Loughman  TU Dublin  SFI SIRG Holowave project 
Dr. Vincent de Waele University of Lille, France Holographic recording using fs lasers
Dr. Sergio Calixto Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, Mexico Sensors based on microfluidic gratings