Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.


Image for Convene Transforming University and Enterprise Engagement

Published: 20 Apr, 2021

Convene Transforming University and Enterprise Engagement

Led by Technological University Dublin, working in conjunction with the UCD Innovation Academy, Convene has now set out on its transformative work agenda of creating a shared learning platform at the intersection of enterprise, education and research in Dublin.

Image for TU Dublin Develops VR Training Programme for BioPharmaChem Skillnet

Published: 3 Mar, 2021

TU Dublin Develops VR Training Programme for BioPharmaChem Skillnet

BioPharmaChem Skillnet has launched a Virtual Reality Training programme in Aseptic Techniques for Biomanufacturing. .

Image for What's actually in the Covid-19 vaccine?

Published: 4 Feb, 2021

What's actually in the Covid-19 vaccine?

Dr Ryan Craig, an Assistant Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the School of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences at TU Dublin, has written a guide to the full list of ingredients in the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and what each one does.

Image for TU Dublin Leads €3.5m European Project to Create Training Programmes for Human-Centric AI Systems

Published: 10 Mar, 2021

TU Dublin Leads €3.5m European Project to Create Training Programmes for Human-Centric AI Systems

A training project led by TU Dublin aims to ensure that Artificial Intelligence (AI) products developed by European innovators are human-centric – that is, that such products collaborate with humans rather than replacing them.

Image for Minister Harris announces 15 teams will  compete for the SFI Future Innovator Prizes of €2 million

Published: 15 Feb, 2021

Minister Harris announces 15 teams will compete for the SFI Future Innovator Prizes of €2 million

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, TD, today announced that two projects featuring TU Dublin researchers have been shortlisted as part of the SFI Future Innovator Prize.

Image for UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Published: 11 Feb, 2021

UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science

A message from President Michael D Higgins marking the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which takes place on Thursday, 11 February.


Published: 3 Mar, 2021


As Ireland’s public policy objective is to transition to an Open Research ecosystem, TU Dublin is leading the way. Downloads from Arrow @TU Dublin, the University’s publicly accessible research repository, have just reached a remarkable 10 million.

Image for PhD Students Sought for Spatial Skills Research Project to help close the gender gap in STEM

Published: 3 Mar, 2021

PhD Students Sought for Spatial Skills Research Project to help close the gender gap in STEM

TU Dublin is seeking applications from current students and graduates of various Masters programmes in Cognitive Psychology, Early, Primary and Post Primary Education Teacher Education, Linguistics, Art, Design, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Image for TU Dublin researchers secure funding from HEA for two new Gender Balance Projects

Published: 15 Jan, 2021

TU Dublin researchers secure funding from HEA for two new Gender Balance Projects

Researchers from the School of Computer Science at TU Dublin have received funding from the HEA’s Gender Equality Enhancement Fund for two new research projects entitled 'TechMate and ‘pSTEM Role Models’.

Image for Minister Harris announces €193 million investment in five world-leading SFI Research Centres

Published: 1 Feb, 2021

Minister Harris announces €193 million investment in five world-leading SFI Research Centres

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD today announced an investment of €193 million in five Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres for six years.

Image for TU Dublin Researchers Announced as SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme Recipients

Published: 2 Nov, 2020

TU Dublin Researchers Announced as SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme Recipients

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, TD, has today announced that two TU Dublin projects will receive funding of almost €1.2m supporting frontiers research through Science Foundation Ireland.

Image for Minister Harris and Minister English welcome report ‘Leading the Way’ by Expert Group on Future Skills Needs

Published: 22 Oct, 2020

Minister Harris and Minister English welcome report ‘Leading the Way’ by Expert Group on Future Skills Needs

Minister for Further Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, and Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English, TD, have welcomed the publication a project report lead by academics and researchers at TU Dublin.

Image for TU Dublin Researchers Receive Funding To Develop Walkability App

Published: 19 Oct, 2020

TU Dublin Researchers Receive Funding To Develop Walkability App

Researchers at TU Dublin and Walk21 International have received funding from the Alstom Foundation to develop a Walkability Auditing App, which will ask women to share their perceptions of walking in Dublin City to help understand its impact on their transport choices.

Image for How 6 more weeks of lockdown will test the nation's unity

Published: 28 Oct, 2020

How 6 more weeks of lockdown will test the nation's unity

Catherine Kelly, an associate lecturer within the Humanities Department at TU Dublin, says it may be hard to persuade an exhausted and sceptical public with little trust in government to follow public health directives.

Image for A-STEP 2030 research outputs at Global Engineering Deans Council Industry Forum

Published: 6 Oct, 2020

A-STEP 2030 research outputs at Global Engineering Deans Council Industry Forum

Representatives from the A-STEP 2030 project joined the GEDC-Industry Forum community to present results from the project and to hear experiences, perspectives and expectations from the next generation of students and recent graduates.

Image for The psychology behind voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden

Published: 30 Oct, 2020

The psychology behind voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden

Ahead of the US election on Tuesday, Dr Kevin Cunningham, a lecturer in Politics and Chair of the MA in Journalism course at TU Dublin, says there are several psychological explanations behind why we decide who to vote for a candidate or party.

Image for Minister Harris awards funding of €20+ million to innovation projects led by TU Dublin

Published: 5 Oct, 2020

Minister Harris awards funding of €20+ million to innovation projects led by TU Dublin

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, T.D. has today announced funding of €197 million under the Human Capital initiative for 22 projects in universities and institutes of technology.

Image for Minister Harris Announces Funding for 5 PhD and Postdoctoral at TU Dublin

Published: 23 Oct, 2020

Minister Harris Announces Funding for 5 PhD and Postdoctoral at TU Dublin

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, has today announced funding for research for five PhD and postdoctoral researchers at TU Dublin under the Irish Research Council’s Government of Ireland programme.

Image for TU Dublin Report Provides Blueprint to Encourage Entrepreneurship in People with Disabilities

Published: 2 Mar, 2020

TU Dublin Report Provides Blueprint to Encourage Entrepreneurship in People with Disabilities

A new report published by Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) today has highlighted the need for tailored supports for people with disabilities that want to start their own business.

Image for Maintaining trust within a virtual workspace

Published: 2 Apr, 2020

Maintaining trust within a virtual workspace

Colin Hughes, Head of the Graduate Business School, Technological University Dublin and Mark NK Saunders, Professor of Business Research Methods, Birmingham Business School, discuss the thorny issue of maintaining trust within a virtual workspace.

Image for Prof. Neville Hogan Receives Prestigious SFI St Patrick’s Day Science Medal

Published: 11 Mar, 2020

Prof. Neville Hogan Receives Prestigious SFI St Patrick’s Day Science Medal

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) has today presented the prestigious SFI St Patrick’s Day Science Medal at a celebratory event in Washington D.C., to Prof Neville J Hogan, a graduate of TU Dublin.

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