We offer contact lens assessments and aftercare appointments with our 3rd and 4th year student clinic, under the direct supervision of qualified optometry staff. These 90-minute appointments are completely free of charge.
Alternatively, contact lens appointments are available in our professional clinic where fees apply.
Patients require an up-to-date spectacle prescription before contact lenses are fitted. The National Optometry Centre offers eye examinations in our student and professional clinics throughout the year. Alternatively, can provide a current spectacle prescription from their local optometrist or ophthalmologist.
PRSI and medical card schemes provide allowances towards eye examinations and contact lenses every 2 years.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Telephone: +353 1220 5900
Email: eyeclinic@TUDublin.ie
This email is for enquiries only. If you wish to make an appointment, please call the clinic directly