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Borrowing & Returning Books

How to Borrow, Return and Renew your Loans

Students and staff from City Centre, Blanchardstown and Tallaght may use and borrow from any of the five TU Dublin libraries, i.e., Aungier Street, Bolton Street, Park House Grangegorman, Blanchardstown and Tallaght libraries. 

1. Use the Self Service machines in our libraries to borrow books.  

  • Scan your TU Dublin student card and follow the instructions on the screen. 
  • The machine will print a receipt of your book loans with a return date or email it to you. You can also use your MyLibrary account to check book return dates or to renew your loan. You will receive an automatic email if your books are overdue. 

2. Alternatively bring your books and student card to the library desk and a member of staff will issue them to your library account. 

You must have a current TU Dublin student or staff card before you can borrow items. 

Borrowing Entitlements:

Patron Loan Length Renewal 
Undergraduate 10 items  28 days  1 renewal of 28 days 
Postgraduate 15 items 28 days 1 renewal of 28 days
Staff / Researcher 20 items 90 days 1 renewal of 90 days


Library Item Category Loan Status
Lending May be borrowed
Library Use May not be borrowed
Library Laptops For use in the library only
CDs* and DVDs 7 day loan
Dissertations and Theses May not be borrowed

*Please note: Lending of Music CDs in Park House Grangegorman Library is restricted to Postgraduate Students and Staff. They are library use only for all other students. 


  • Leave your items in the Book Returns Box available in the lobby of each of the libraries and they will be checked in for you.
  • Return the books using the self-service machines available in the libraries or bring the books to the library desk and give to a member of staff who will check them in for you. 
  • Please Note: The books should be returned to the library you borrowed them from. 

1. Renew Online

  • Login to your MyLibrary account using your student or staff email and your Network password. 
  • Click on 'Items currently checked out' 
  • Select items to be renewed and click on 'Renew Selected items' tab 
  • or select the 'Renew All' tab option 

2. Renew your items using the Self Service Machines in the libraries   OR;

3. Ask a member of staff at the library desk to renew them for you

Please note: Books and other items may not be renewed if any of the following apply: 

  • You have already renewed the item once 
  • Someone has placed a hold on the item 
  • The item is overdue  

If you have any difficulty renewing your loans please contact your home library. 

Books that are out on loan may be reserved by placing a hold on them. This means when the book is returned it will be reserved for you. You can place a hold / reserve a book as follows: 

  • Search for the book in the Library Catalogue. 
  • Click on the Request button. 
  • If there is more than one copy of the book you can then select which copy to reserve. 
  • Items marked Library Use may not be reserved 

When the item becomes available, the library will send an email notification to your TU Dublin email account. 


TU Dublin libraries offer a fine free library service.

  • There are no fines charged on overdue items from our collections.
  • You can check return dates and any overdue loans by logging into your MyLibrary account.
  • You will not be able to borrow additional items if you have any overdue items on your account. The overdue item will need to be renewed or returned if you wish to borrow any more items.
  • You will be unable to renew an item online if it is already overdue. You will need to return the item or contact your home library.
  • You will receive system-generated reminders in your TU Dublin email address, reminding you to renew and return borrowed items. Library staff may also contact you regarding overdue items on your library account.
  • Replacement costs are charged on items that are lost or not returned.

If you have a query regarding a lost or overdue item on your library account, contact your home library.


Fine Free Library Service FAQ:


What does a Fine Free Library Service mean?

A fine free library service is one that doesn't charge daily fines for overdue books. The service isn't just about books though, it includes DVDs, music, headphones, and anything else you can loan from library service.


What about any overdue books already on my account?

All fines, past and present, have been waived. It's the perfect time to return any overdue items on your account, no matter how long you have them.


Are there still due dates on items borrowed?

Yes, lending rules still apply. Books can be borrowed for 28 days, with a renewal of 28 days if they have not been reserved by another user. After this loan period, books need to be returned to the library to allow others to borrow them. See the Borrowing & Returning Books page for more information on lending rules. 


How will I know when my items are due?

You can login to your MyLibrary Account to check the due dates of items you have borrowed. System-generated email reminders will be sent to your TU Dublin email address reminding you to renew or return your items.


What if I keep items for longer than their due date?

If an item becomes overdue, you cannot borrow any new items until the overdue item is renewed or returned. 


Why is there a charge on my library account if there are no fines?

A default replacement cost is automatically added if an item is long overdue. a default. If the item is returned, this cost will be removed automatically. If the item remains lost, library staff will contact you regarding the replacement cost of the item. 


What happens if I lose an item borrowed from the library?

If you lose an item you have borrowed from the library, you should contact your home library immediately. A default replacement cost is automatically added to your account. There are two options for covering replacement costs:

  • Library staff will identify the actual replacement cost of the item, and you can pay by debit or credit card at the library desk or over the phone. 
  • You can source a replacement copy yourself. The library will accept new copies and secondhand copies once they are in good condition. Library staff will be happy to help you source the most cost-effective replacement copy available.

Once the replacement cost is paid, or a replacement copy is given to the library, your account will be cleared, and you will be able to borrow additional items.