Off-campus access

What Library resources can I access off-campus?

You can access online Library resources such as databases, ebooks, online dissertations and theses, and exam papers while off-campus.

How do I log in to acess online resources from the Library?

Once you click on any link to an online resource (e.g. a link to full-text online in your Library search results or a link from our A-Z list of databases or our e-journals) you will be prompted to log in.

You access online Library resources using your TU Dublin email address and password via the same single sign-on method you use to access email etc.:

Single sign on page for TU Dublin. It's a white box, where a student can enter their details. The background is navy, with dark blue lines going in odd directions.

Do I always need to start from the Library website to access online resources?

Not always. Many of our online resources can be found online like any other website. We have set up institutional access to these wherever possible.

On the website, select sign in. You usually see the option to log in via your institution. Here is an example from WARC database:

WARC institutional sign in for TU Dublin

If the TU Dublin login is not immediately visible on the list, search for the Irish Edugate Federation first, and access the TU Dublin login through that. 

Exam papers

Information on exam papers can be found on our Exam Papers page.

Need help?

Contact your home library for more information