Procedures for Filming in TU Dublin Libraries by Current Students and Staff
- All requests to film in any of the libraries must be sent in writing to Sarah-Anne Kennedy, the Assistant Head of Library Services: Client & Faculty Services
- An Event Risk Assessment form (available from the TU Dublin Health and Safety Office) should be completed and submitted to the Health and Safety Office at least 7 days in advance of the filming.
- A copy of the scene(s) should be included in the request, together with a description of the expected duration of the filming, the exact location within the library of the filming, and any movement of library books/furniture required.
- All student film crews must be accompanied by a member of academic staff at all times.
Procedures for Filming in TU Dublin Libraries by External (non-TU Dublin) Parties
- Any requests for photography or filming by an external film crew should be referred to the Media Relations Office:
- The Media Relations Office will liaise with Sarah-Anne Kennedy, the Assistant Head of Library Services: Client & Faculty Services to arrange any photography or filming.