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Withdrawing from Your Programme

Withdrawing from your Programme

TU Dublin recognises that for a variety of reasons a student may need to withdraw from their programme.

If students are having second thoughts about their chosen career path it is very important to reflect on their motivations and the reasons for their initial choices.

We have a number of services available to assist you with your decision:

If a student is considering withdrawing they should contact their Course Co-Ordinator/Year Tutor to discuss withdrawing in the first instance.

If a student decides to Withdraw

  • Complete a Withdrawal Form for their relevant Campus.
  • Inform the funding agency/sponsor that they have withdrawn e.g. SUSI / Skillsnet.

Fee Deadlines

Students remain liable for fees up until the date on which they formally submit a Withdrawal Form online. For fee purposes the date of withdrawal will be considered the date by which the completed form is submitted online.

Full-Time Students

  • Students who withdraw before 31st October no fees due. However, the date of withdrawal may impact the level of a SUSI grant in the future.
  • Students who withdraw between 1st November and 31st January are liable for 50% Student Contribution fee and 50% Tuition Fee if applicable.
  • Students who withdraw after 31st January are liable for 100% Student Contribution fee and 100% Tuition fee if applicable.

Part-Time Students

  • Students who withdraw before 31st October are liable for Programme Acceptance Fee.
  • Students who withdraw between 1st November and 31st January are liable for 50% programme fee.
  • Students who withdraw after 31st January are liable for 100% programme fee.

What happens next

  • Fill in the Withdrawal Form
  • Get it approved by the Head of School / Discipline/ Programme Chair 
  • Drop the form in to the Student Hub in your campus. 

Withdrawal Forms