students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender

The health centre at TU Dublin has an inclusive approach to medical healthcare.  Please note that the Student Health Centres use a medical computer system that is confidential and is not shared with other Departments in the University. If you have any concerns or issues that you would like to discuss, please feel free to make contact with us.

The student health centres welcome students of all sexual orientation.

As there are 300,000 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in Ireland these numbers will be reflected in the students who attend TU Dublin.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with your sexuality or have any concerns about your health please feel free to come to talk to us in the Health Centre or to one of the counsellors. It is COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL and FREE.

We use a medical computer system that is not shared with the rest of the college. It ensures complete confidentiality.  Students notes cannot be released to a third party e.g family GP without prior written consent from the student.

There are numerous Clubs and Societies in the University you may wish to join one while you are here. It includes the LGBTQ Society.

For many LGBTQ students, college is the first opportunity to be open about your sexuality.  Now that you are in the DIT you may be living away from friends and family.  Sometimes this means that students ‘come out’ in Dublin but feel it is not necessary to tell their family at home.  This can lead to double life and can be a difficult situation.  Others find that they do ‘come out’ to their friends and family.  Whether students are ‘out’ or not is entirely a personal choice.  For all students, privacy and confidentiality are really important.  Coming out is a decision a student will make when the time is right.  If a student is not ready to deal with other peoples possible negative reactions, they might postpone it until they are ready.

You can visit one of the Student Health Centres to have an STI test.

STI Screening

Look After Your Mental Health

If you have ANY concerns about your mental health, PLEASE make an appointment to see one of the nurses or doctors for a FREE consultation.


One of the college counsellors for a FREE consultation.

Look After Your Mental Health is a new mental health information booklet for LGBTQ people, written by GLEN and BeLonG To and published by the HSE National Office for suicide prevention called look after your mental health 





How to support a friend who 'comes out' to you

If a friend tells you they’re gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual don’t act as if this is wrong or strange.  It’s not and you should accept their sexuality without prejudice.

How to Support an LGBTQ Friend

Be conscious of the fact that many LGBTQ people live in environments which are homophobic and transphobic and in which they constantly hear negative messages about LGBTQ people.  This can make people quite fearful of how people may react to them coming out and fearful of potential rejection by friends and family.

You could make it easier for friends to come out to you by making it clear to all your friends that you are positive and respectful about LGBTQ people.  For example, if they have heard you challenge homophobic comments or talk comfortably about LGBTQ issues and people, this could help to reduce any anxiety they have about coming out to you. 

If a friend comes out to you, remember that the person has not changed.  They are still the same person you knew before; you just have more information about them than you did before. They are still the same friend they have always been.

The fact that they have come out to you shows that you are important to them and that they trust you.  Thank them for their trust and reassure them of your continued friendship and support. This is important as they may have been afraid that you might have rejected them and that they would lose you as a friend.  Be the friend you have always been.

Try not to react badly, even if you have strong feelings about LGBTQ issues.  If you judge your friend, or express disapproval, you will do nothing to change your friend’s identity but you will hurt them and make them feel rejected and uncared for.  It is also important to remember the potential impact rejection by friends and family can have on the mental health and well being of LGBTQ people.

You might feel hurt that they haven’t told you before, but try to remember the challenges and fears LGBTQ people often face in being able to be open about their identity. 

Respect your friend’s privacy – it is up to them to decide if, when and how they tell other people.

Just because a friend has told you that they are LGB don’t assume that this means that they fancy you.

Just because your friend is LGBTQ doesn’t mean that everyone will think you are.

You may be curious but be sensitive when asking questions.  Don’t ask questions that would have been considered rude or inappropriate within your friendship before they came out to you.

Your friend my not want you to do anything.  They may just need someone to listen and be positive.

Offer to support your friend in whatever way they need, for example support them in coming out to others or to their families.  Help them to find information on local LGBTQ groups and offer to accompany them if they want to have a friend with them.

Learn more about LGBTQ issues and the LGBTQ community.  This will help you to better understand and support your friend.  But remember that everyone’s experience is different.

Continue to do what you have always done together.  LGBTQ people often fear that coming out will change everything in their lives and this can be frightening.  If you have always played football with your friend on Saturday, continue to do this.

Be a LGBTQ Ally.  Challenge homophobic comments and attitudes and help to create LGBT friendly environments.

It’s never too late.  If someone has come out to you before and you reacted badly, you can always contact them and try again

Support for Young LGBTQ People

BeLonG To is an organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBTQ) young people, aged between 14 and 23.

New National LGBTQ Helpline: 1890 929 539

Ireland’s first National LGBT Helpline, an initiative of the eight regional helplines, launched. See website and for further details.

LGBTQ Helplines

    • Cork Lesbian Line: 021-4318318
    • Dublin Lesbian Line:01-8729911
    • Dundalk Outcomers Helpine:042-9353035
    • Gay Information Cork:021-4271087
    • Gay Switchboard Dublin: 01-8721055
    • Limerick Gay & Lesbian Helpline: 061-310101
    • Outwest Helpline: 094-9372479
    • TENI Helpline(Transgender Support) 085-1477166
    • Numbers for all LGBT helplines can be found at

LGBTQ Centres and Groups


Support for Parents