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Money coins and graduation hat

Main Financial Supports

Name Explanation
Student Universal Support Fund Ireland (SUSI) 

Funding available for school leavers and mature students to attend college.

Lists the criteria students need to meet to be eligible for a SUSI grant.

Check your Eligibility: Use the SUSI Eligibility Reckoner to quickly check if you qualify.

Free Fees Initiative

Information on the Free Fees initiative offered by the Higher Education Authority.

Part-time Education Options

An option to attend part-time education while on a social welfare payment.

Other Sources of Financial Support


TU Dublin Student Assistance Fund (SAF)

TU Dublin SAF encompasses many different funds including General Student Assistance Fund, rent assistance fund, class materials fund, childcare support, compulsory travel scheme, dental / ophthalmic assistance scheme

1916 Bursary Fund This fund encourages students from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education to participate. 
Back to Education Allowance

If you are returning to education and have been getting a social welfare payment, you may qualify for the Back to Education Allowance or the student grant.

If you are unemployed, parenting alone or have a disability and are getting certain payments from the Department of Social Protection (DSP), you may take part in a second-or third-level education course and get a Back to Education Allowance (BTEA)

The Part-Time Education Option (PTEO) allows you to keep your Jobseeker’s Allowance, Jobseeker’s Benefit or Jobseeker's Benefit (Self-Employed) and attend a part-time day or evening course of education or training.

Additional Needs Payment

A payment to help with expenses that you cannot pay from your weekly income.

Higher Education Authority – Other Bursaries and Scholarships

A broad range of bursary and scholarship schemes are in operation which provide an opportunity for students, or potential students, to access additional financial support if they meet the criteria. 

Uversity Scholarship

University offer scholarships to mature adults who wish to complete a degree

International Protection Student Scheme

The International Protection Student Scheme (for Further and Higher Education Students) 2024-2025 provides financial grants for students who are in the protection system or at the leave to remain (but not deportation order) stage.

Irish Refugee Council Education Information 

The Irish Refugee Council’s education support is for adults in the international protection process and refugees interested in Further Education and Higher Education. 

TUSLA Bursary Scheme for young people with care experience

A Bursary Scheme for young adults who have had care experience. All applicants must have had care experience within the Republic of Ireland prior to their 18th birthday of at least 6 months.

The scheme provides financial support towards the cost of tuition fees to access further education and training to a maximum of €2,000 per applicant.

Tax Relief for paying fees

Information on tax relief for college fees for approved courses

St Vincent de Paul (SVP) education grants

Information on educational grants available from your local St Vincent de Paul office

Dublin Northwest Partnership

To encourage and support participation in further and higher education Dublin Northwest Partnership (DNP) provides information and practical support. Education Access Supports include travel, small grants for full time students, and support conversations for those in college.  Support is available to students with low income (and from low-income families) from within the DNP catchment.

Credit Union

The credit union hold an annual scholarship competition for potential students

National Childcare Scheme

This scheme assists parents to meet childcare costs.

The Universal Childcare Subsidy is a childcare subsidy for children in TUSLA- registered childcare who are over 6 months but under 15 years.