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Student Internship Programme

Student Internship Programme

TU Dublin Student Internship Scholarship Programme 2024/25

Please note:  Applications will open on Monday, 2nd December 2024.

Applications are invited for the TU Dublin Student Internship Scholarship Programme funded by TU Dublin. The aim of this programme is to develop a range of transferable skills intended to enhance the learner’s employability. The learner will have an opportunity to develop their ability to work alone and within a team while also enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving. This programme will support career planning and the development of the individual as a reflective practitioner. The Scholarship Programme involves the students completing 100 hours of work experience in a specific TU Dublin work area while also writing and submitting a reflective e-portfolio. This is not an accredited module but students who complete the programme will receive a scholarship stipend of €1000.

This work-based learning module will place an emphasis on developing the learner’s ability to manage their own learning in a supported environment. The learner will be immersed within the practice domain in a structured and supported learning module. Throughout the process, the learner will be supported in managing their learning through an online learning portfolio.


  • Students who are fulltime, registered (paid registration fees) on an undergraduate programme and have passed the first year of their programme.
  • Your academic department has approved your participation in the internship programme.


Delivery and Assessment

The programme will be delivered in two parts:

  1. 100 hours work placement in TU Dublin.
  2. Completion of a 4 week online academic component.

Students will complete the TU Dublin work placement component from late January 2025 and must have the hours completed prior to 1st April 2025. The dates cannot be extended or changed. The workplace mentor will be asked to fill out a report which will contribute to the overall assessment of the programme.

The 4 week online academic component will run from Monday 3rd February – Friday 28th February 2025. The dates cannot be extended or changed. Please do not apply if you cannot give this component your full attention for the duration. Interns will take part in a virtual classroom where there will be specific requirements outlined below:

  • A reflective journal – this will be comprised of relatively short written assignments in response to prompts and questions from the academic tutor. The learner will receive formative feedback from the academic tutor on each assignment in order to encourage and develop reflective writing skills.
  • Career development plan – this will require the learner to methodically review where they are in their career, deciding where they want to be and setting targets and plans to get there.
  • Presentation - at the end of the four-week period each learner will make a short presentation to the academic mentor on the experience of participating and learning on this programme.
  • All three components must be completed in order to pass.


Student information and requirements

  • Students must be attending their course and available for the required 100 hours of work experience.
  • The students may be interviewed and offered a placement in a TU Dublin work area.
  • Students are required to be flexible as to the scheduling of the work placement and academic component during the dates outlined above.
  • Students may voluntarily complete additional hours if they wish with the agreement of the manager on the understanding that no additional funding is payable. A statement should be signed off to this effect.
  • Students participating on the programme must sign an agreement which will stipulate the requirements of the programme including a confidentiality clause and disciplinary code.
  • Students must submit online assessments as required by their academic tutor.
  • The workplace mentor will be completing a report on the work experience which will form part of the internship assessment.
  • Students must pass both components in order to complete the programme.



  • The TU Dublin Financial Team will manage the scheme and issue the scholarship payments through online banking.
  • The first payment of €500 to be issued on commencement of the work experience.
  • The final payment will be issued upon successfully completing and passing both components of the programme.


How to Apply

Applicants must complete the Student Internship Scholarship Programme online application form along with the following attachments:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Academic Record - from your Course Coordinator/Head of Discipline
  • Approval letter - Academic Dept (Course Coordinator/Head of Discipline)
  • Bank Mandate form (click Bank Mandate form to download the form)

You must ensure to submit all of the attachments (with the titles of the attachments named as above) with your application. Your bank mandate form must be stamped by your bank. This is required for payment if you are successful in obtaining a place on the programme.

To complete the form, you must be logged in to your TU Dublin student email account.

The closing date for completed applications is Monday 13th January 2025 at 5.00 p.m.

As the numbers applying for this programme may exceed the places available, there may be a short-listing of students for each placement considering the requirements of the work area and a selection interview of students will be held by a TU Dublin manager/tutor.

If you have any general queries about the Programme please contact Mags Nicholl, Financial Aid Manager at 01 2206196, or 01-2205600

The academic aspect of the scholarship programme will be managed by Eric Bates. He can be contacted at 01 2206797 or email