This scheme provides assistance to TU Dublin students who are in a formal rental situation with a landlord.
Students paying a mortgage should apply for the General SAF scheme.
- Students who do not normally reside in Dublin,
- Students living independently due to personal circumstances (certification required).
A lease backdated no earlier than the 1st August for the current year relating to your application or proof of a rent payment (letter from the landlord outlining the payment or proof outlined on a bank statement) must be submitted with the application and must reflect payments made in the academic year.
Please note that we accept deposits paid in August, relating to rent for the current academic year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Important note: If you have received a SUSI Grant this year, you are required to submit your full 3 page SUSI Grant Award Letter inclusive of the reckonable income page with your application.
View sample letter
The SAF Application form is available here. Please submit this form to determine your eligibility for the scheme. Eligible applicants will receive a link to the Rent Assistance form by email immediately.
- Students who do not normally reside in Dublin.
- Students living independently due to personal circumstances.
- Students must be in a formal rental situation with a landlord or host family.
You should apply for the General SAF scheme.
The payment is a once off award and is made in one lump sum via EFT. This scheme does not make monthly payments to students.
Only on request. It is advisable to submit photocopies instead.
About four to five weeks if your form, documentation and proof of rent payment/s are correct on your initial application. Applications will not be processed if application forms are incomplete and there is insufficient supporting documentation. Proof of rent is essential. Your application date is taken the day you submit an accurate application form with correct documentation attached and receive an application ID number.
You can submit proof of rent payment/s on a bank statement or a letter from your landlord outlining rent cost including deposit to date if it is dated after the 1st August. NB - only your portion of rent paid is admissible, e.g. if you share a house with three other students only quarter of the deposit and rent per month will be accepted for proof of payment. Rent books are not accepted.
Incomplete application forms, or forms with insufficient documentation and insufficient proof of rent payment will not be considered and will not be allocated an application ID number. You will be advised to reapply, via email to your student email address.
Ensure that your form is completed correctly and that you have the supporting documentation e.g. grant, or proof of applying for grant along with parental income details and the rent details outlined above. Please do not forget to sign your form.
No, you must reapply using the online application form link that you received initially.
No, but you may apply for assistance under the General Student Assistance Fund.
Yes, depending on the number of modules you are repeating. External repeats are ineligible for funding from the SAF.
No, part time students should apply for the General SAF scheme.