Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.

Repeating Modules

Repeating Modules - scroll down to see school listing

Students who have successfully completed all modules in their current programme year will be progressed to the next year of their programme. Students will be sent an Invitation to Register for the next year of their programme prior to the start of the next academic year.

If a student has not successfully completed all modules on their programme year they will be required to complete a Repeat Application Form. It is the students responsibility to submit a repeat application to complete modules outstanding. An Invitation to Register can only be issued when the repeat application has been processed.

For further information in relation to repeat fees and the application process please click on link below for your campus location.

Internal Repeat

Students who are required to repeat modules as an internal repeat (i.e. attend Lectures, submit assignments using on-line services, attend practicals, go on placements, submit continuous assessment in full or in part are required to pay the charges below:

  • Level 8 Programme – repeat fee is €63.65 per ECTS (for example: a 5 credit module will cost €318.25)
  • Level 8 Honours Degree for Architecture, Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Engineering – repeat fee is €74.10 per ECTS (for example: a 5 credit module will cost €370.50)
  • Level 6/7 Programme – repeat fee is €54.17 per ECTS (for example: a 5 credit module will cost €270.85)

Note : Repeat Fees for International Students on Non-EU Fees - €150 per ECTS plus €3000 Student Contribution Fee 

See Repeat and Attend Form

Please complete this form in full, get it approved and signed by your School and submit to  .

Once processed an Invitation to Register email will be issued to you which will outline how to complete your online registration and pay your Repeat Fee.

External Repeat

Students who are repeating a module externally (i.e. student is not permitted to attend lecturers, cannot attend Practicals, cannot go on placement - student will continue to have access to email and Brightspace) are required to complete an External Repeat Application Form (Aungier St, Bolton St, Grangegorman) This application should be submitted no later 31 October annually. This requirement is to enable examinations to assign spaces in exam halls for repeat candidates. This deadline applies to all components whether it is a year-long, Semester I or Semester II module. The fee to repeat externally is €300. The application should then be submitted for processing to

Once processed an Invitation to Register email will be issued to you which will outline how to complete your online registration and pay your Repeat Fee.

Part-Time & Postgraduate Fees - The fee will be calculated on a per credit amount of the full course fee. Students who are funded through Springboard or ICT are liable for repeat and attend fees.


Students on the Blanchardstown Campus who wish to apply to repeat and attend (i.e. attend Lectures, practicals, placements, engage with continuous assessment) should complete the appropriate form.

 See Repeat and Attend Application Form (for all students in Blanchardstown Campus ) 

Please complete this form in full, get it approved and signed by your School and submit to Registrations Office - Blanchardstown at

Students who are repeating and attending a full/part year of study will be liable for fees. The fee will be calculated on a per credit amount of the full course fee.

Full-Time Undergraduate Fees - As a guide, the cost to repeat and attend one 5 credit module at level 6 and 7 is €270.83, therefore a student repeating and attending 30 credits would pay €1,625. The cost to repeat and attend one 5 credit module at level 8 is €318.25, however the cost for one 5 credit Engineering module at level 8 is €370.33

Part-Time & Postgraduate Fees - The fee will be calculated on a per credit amount of the full course fee. Students who are funded through Springboard or ICT are liable for repeat and attend fees.

Permission to progress carrying credits may not be available on all courses, it is space dependent and students must meet the rules and criteria set by their School.  Normally students will be required to have achieved 50 credits, a GPA of 1.66 or higher and attended the Supplemental (August) exams but students should check the criteria for their course with the School Administrator.

Students who wish to repeat exam only, can only do this in the August/ Supplemental exams. The application form for August/ Supplemental exams will be available on the Exams page in June.

Repeat and Attend Application Form ( for all students on Tallaght Campus )  

Please complete this form in full. Get it approved and signed by your School and submit to Registration Office, Tallaght at, .

Students on the Tallaght Campus who wish to apply to repeat and attend (i.e. attend Lectures, practical's, placements, engage with continuous assessment) should complete the above form. 

Students who are repeating and attending a full/part year of study will be liable for fees. The fee will be calculated on a per credit amount of the full course fee.

  • Level 8 programme – repeat fee is €63.65 per ECTS (for example, a 5 credit module will cost €318.25)
  • Level 8 Hons Degree for Architecture and Engineering – repeat fee is €74.10 per ECTS
  • Level 6/7 programme – repeat fee is €54.17 per ECTS


Students can also register to repeat an exam only, students can register to repeat exams in the January, May and the August Supplemental exams.  The repeat exam application form for the May exams will be available on the Exams page in March/April and will be available in June for the August supplemental examinations.
If a part-time student wishes to repeat and attend, they must contact to register and if they have any questions regarding the part-time repeat charge, please contact

External Repeat 

Students who are repeating a module externally (i.e. student is not permitted to attend lecturers, cannot attend Practicals, cannot go on placement - student will continue to have access to email and Brightspace ) are required to complete an External Repeat Application Form.    

This application should be submitted no later 31 October annually. This requirement is to enable examinations to assign spaces in exam halls for repeat candidates. This deadline applies to all components whether it is a year-long, Semester I or Semester II module. The fee to repeat externally is €300.