Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.
students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

TU Dublin is proud to be part of the National Active Consent Programme to promote a positive and confident approach to sexual health and to equip young people with the tools to recognise and communicate about sexual consent.

As a first-year student you have the opportunity to participate in an online Active Consent Workshop as part of your extended orientation experience.  This programme will give you the opportunity to explore and discuss the issue of sexual consent in an open, safe and non-judgmental way. 

Students who participated in the workshop in previous years have given very positive feedback – they found it both engaging and insightful and reported that it made them feel more comfortable around the area of consent. 


TU Dublin uses the OMFG Model of Sexual Consent:

OMFG 263

Sexual consent in defined in Irish law and to summarise, a person consents to a sexual act if he or she freely and voluntarily agrees to engage in that act.

A person does not consent to a sexual act if he or she:

  • is forced, or threatened with force, or is genuinely afraid of force being used against him or herself or against another person
  • is asleep or unconscious
  • is incapable of consenting because of the effect of alcohol or some other drug
  • is suffering from a physical disability which prevents him or her from communicating whether he or she agrees to the act
  • is mistaken as to the identity of any other person involved in the act
  • is being prevented from leaving at the time at which the act takes place
  • consents for that person
  • is mistaken as to the nature and purpose of the act

There may be other circumstances where a person does not consent.

For example:

  • a person can change their mind and can retract consent at any time before or during a sexual act
  • a person who does not actively resist is not automatically consenting

If you have experienced an incident that you feel was not consensual please get in touch with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Manager  for support and advice on seeking help.