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Sections 8, 9 and 10 of the 2005 Act require that sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is provided to ensure the safety of employees, and also that such instruction, training etc. must take account of any employees with specific needs, to ensure their protection against dangers that may affect them. All training and information will be given in a form, manner and language that will be understood.

In accordance with section 11 of the Act, each employee is made aware of emergency action plans and arrangements pertinent to their workplace as part of the induction process by participating in the Emergency Response Training (ERT) programme.

Training is provided to employees on recruitment, in the event of transfer/change of tasks assigned, on the introduction of new equipment, systems of work or changes in existing equipment, on the introduction of new technology or national guidelines. This is a line management function facilitated by the Staff Development Office.

TU Dublin is required to provide training to employees where a risk assessment determines that such training is required and there is a corresponding duty on all employees to attend such training. It is the responsibility of each Head of School/Function to identify the specific safety training needs of employees under their control, and to forward the details to the Staff Development Office or arrange for the training to be carried out.

Training requirements are outlined in the School/Function risk assessments and in each employee’s personal development plan.

Examples of safety training required for TU Dublin employees includes:

• Induction training;
• Emergency Response Training (ERT), as required by S11; 2005 Act;
• Manual handling of loads, as required by Reg. 68 of the SHWW (General Application) Regulations, 2007; and
• Health and safety briefings for management.

Specialist Training is provided where required and as outlined in the risk assessments: