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Indoor Air Quality

TU Dublin is committed to providing staff and students with good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) by ensuring that our buildings are well-maintained with proper ventilation and clean facilities. Occupants can also play a key role in helping TU Dublin maintain good air quality by following these guidelines. 

Good Air Quality Guidelines

  1. Keep your office or room clean
  2. A build up of dust in your office environment or in your living space can cause an allergic reaction or other upper respiratory symptoms. Cleaning contractors will generally NOT clean personal items, which if left for long periods of time, can build up dust and cause a reaction.
  3. Keep your air vents open.
  4. The building’s system is designed to circulate the air inside the building. By blocking these vents, the room air will become stagnant and will not be re-conditioned and filtered. If you are having issues with temperature or too much air flow, contact the Estates Helpdesk.
  5. Close your windows in air conditioned buildings.
  6. Leaving your windows open can introduce air quality pollutants into the building, such as vehicle exhaust, pollen, mold spores, and humidity. Leaving windows open may cause the humidity in the air to condense when the humid outdoor air contacts cool indoor surfaces. This can lead to mold growth if too much humidity enters the building.
Maintain dry building materials

Some building materials can support mold growth when they become wet for extended periods of time. Therefore, keeping these items dry is of utmost importance for maintaining good indoor air quality. If you identify new water leaks, notify the Estates Helpdesk immediately for repair. If needed,  Estates can also replace damaged ceiling tiles or drywall that have been wet for too long and bring fans to assist with drying. If carpet is wet, they can extract the water, dry with fans, or replace as needed.

If you detect visible mold

If you find mold growing on building materials, call the Estates helpdesk to have the mold removed. Please note that sometimes dust can build up on supply vents, which may look to the human eye as mold, but is actually the dust in the building collecting on the surface.

Odor Prevention 

  • Store perishable food in the refrigerator and date the container. Throw items away after a week;
  • When disposing food, make sure that it is picked up within 24 hours. If not, tie off the bag so it does not begin to smell; 
  • Do not dry wet clothes on radiators; 
  • Use designated facilities for eating and avoid eating at your desk;
  • Use designated space to change clothes/footwear;
  • Do not use deodorizers or air fresheners. What might smell nice to you may not to others. In some sensitive individuals, it could cause an asthmatic response.