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General Workplace Safety


TU Dublin will allocate the necessary resources (financial, equipment, personnel and time) and structures to safeguard employees and all campus users against the risks arising from activities in the workplace as far as is reasonably practicable.

Specified Duties of the Employer under the 2005 Act carried out by Deans and members of Management (Heads of School/Function) on behalf of TU Dublin include:  
  • Design, provide and maintain a safe workplace and safe plant and machinery; and
    Ensure that workplace practices reflect the risk assessments and Safety Statement.
Specified Duties of the Employer under the 2005 Act carried out by the Campus and Estates Office and Management Company (where relevant) on behalf of TU Dublin include: 
  • Design, provide and maintain (i) safe workplaces (ii) safe means of access to and egress from the workplace (including those with disabilities) and (iii) safe estate’s plant and machinery under their remit. This means that the Estates Office are responsible for the maintenance and direct management of the common areas and the physical structure of all buildings and grounds. They are also responsible for the provision of fire prevention, detection and firefighting measures (including the maintenance of a Fire Register for each building in line with relevant legislation);


HSA 2005 Act FAQs

HSA General Applications Regulations 2007 Guide for Workplace