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image of  a hand holding chemical flask

Chemical Agents include potentially hazardous substances used and produced in laboratories and workshops as well as cleaning agents, pesticides, oils, gases etc. used on campus. Chemical agents risk assessments must be prepared for activities involving potentially hazardous chemicals. It is our policy to use the least hazardous chemicals available and to reduce exposure to carcinogens to the lowest level technically possible.



This may be a spill or release of a chemical agent inside a building or to the environment. Minor and low risk spills may be managed by staff members who are familiar with protocols in their School/ Function. Major spills/releases may require the evacuation of the building. Depending on the nature and extent of the incident, assistance may be brought in from other public support agencies or specialised contractors. The following are general guidelines only and response procedures will depend not only on the quantity involved but also the hazardous characteristics of the chemical and where the spill/release has occurred. In all situations protection of personnel is of primary importance and clean-up of spills is secondary. All Schools/Functions working with chemicals are required to develop and practice their own site-specific emergency procedures. Always refer to Safety Data Sheet and/or spill procedure in the chemical agent risk assessment for the School/Function.

Minor Spill Major Spill
Does not spread rapidly Spreads rapidly
Does not endanger people Presents an exposure hazard (e.g. inhalation, skin absorption)
Does not endanger the environment Endangers people or environment

Minor Spill (low risk)
• Cleaned up by person at spill scene/person responsible for chemical as per School/Function spill procedure;
• Wear/use appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE);
• Dispose of waste appropriately.

Medium Spill (medium risk)
• Always refer to Safety Data Sheet and/or spill procedure in the chemical agent risk assessment for the School/Function;
• Special precautions may need to be taken for flammable liquids, volatile toxic compounds, direct contact hazards etc.;
• Wear/use appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment;
• Cordon off the spill area;
• If safe to do so, contain and absorb the spill using appropriate spill kit;
• Ventilate the area;
• Dispose of waste appropriately;
• Decontaminate the area and any affected equipment as per School/Function protocol.

Major Hazardous Material/Chemical Spill (high risk)
• Do not enter any confined area where there is a risk of being exposed to toxic atmospheres;
• Do not allow any ignition sources or electrical equipment to be operated in the immediate vicinity of the spill;
• If safe to do so, cordon off the spill area;
• Raise the evacuation alarm (call point/break glass unit) and evacuate the building;
• Contact the Security Control Centre/Estates;
• Notify Emergency Services 999/112 immediately for any major hazardous chemical spill;

Response to Chemical Contamination of Individual
• Scene Safety! Alert people in area of danger;
• Do not touch the person until they are decontaminated unless you can safely protect yourself against exposure with personal protective clothing and equipment.
• Remove injured person from area of exposure (ONLY IF SAFE);
• Otherwise, wait for emergency personnel to arrive – dial 999 or 112 (if calling from a campus landline you may need to dial “0” for an outside line);

Decontamination (EYES):
• Flush with copious amounts of water for at least 20 minutes. Use eyewash station or tap water.
• Always seek medical attention for a chemical splash to the eye, even if there is no obvious damage or side effects. Ensure the container label and/or the safety data sheet for the chemical is made available to medical personnel.

Decontamination (SKIN/BODY):
• Remove contaminated clothing and footwear and flush area with copious amounts of water via emergency shower/tap water for at least 20 minutes;
• After decontamination, keep individual warm until arrival of Emergency Services;
• Ensure the container label and the safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemical and any other critical information is ready for Emergency Services personnel.

Complete an Accident Report/Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Form as appropriate.