students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

Transfer, Progression & Re-Admission

Transfer, Progression and Re-Admission to Undergraduate Full-time Courses

Below is an explanation of the processes involved when transferring, progressing or requesting re-admission into a fulltime undergraduate course.

Only in exceptional cases will TU Dublin consider requests to transfer to a different course or campus from Incoming CAO Year 1 students. 

The majority of courses will be full and may still have a waiting list. We are likely to only consider transfers where we have cleared the waiting lists for courses.

Students are advised to attend orientation and go to classes for the course they were offered and accepted and apply for the transfer on 1st October. 

Transfers will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where a student meets the following course requirements

  • Minimum grade and subject entry requirements
  • Have the required CAO points
  • A space becoming available
  • Agreement from Head of course/department

Please note we cannot make decisions on transfers until all CAO rounds of offers and acceptances have been completed.   

Transfers will not be considered from applicants who got an offer in Round 2, 3 or 4 based on an available place application

The Admissions Office will inform you of the outcome of your application to your student email before 9th October.    

Current TU Dublin students who wish to start Year 1 of a new course at TU Dublin must reapply through the Central Applications Office (CAO).

The latest date for applications is 1st May 5pm (1st February for restricted courses). Entry to Year 1 is competitive, there is no internal transfer to Year 1 of a new course, students must reapply through the CAO.

TU Dublin students progression from Higher Certificates (Level 6) to Ordinary Degrees (Level 7) to Honours Degrees (Level 8).

If you are in the final/award year of a Level 6 or Level 7 course and you wish to progress to the add-on Level 7 or Level 8 course, you will find your progression pathway outlined on the course web page for your current course.

For example, in the case of course TU735:

Some courses have a choice of progression options and your school may require you to select your preference. Students on the Blanchardstown and Tallaght campus will be automatically rolled to their follow-on course. Invitations to register will be sent out in August.

Some TU Dublin courses have a choice of courses/streams following completion of a stage/year.

Example 1:

TU755 Bachelor of Science (General Entry), after successful completion of Year 1 students can transfer to Year 2 of three possible courses:

Example 2:

General entry courses, where students pick a stream at the end of Year 1:

  • Students should refer to their course webpage for information on course transfer stream options.
  • Each School will communicate to students how they will be required to pick their stream.

The School Office will accept applications to transfer from 1 February for the start of the next academic year.

Students should contact the School Office that they wish to transfer to and request the transfer. The School contact details are available on the course page for the course you wish to transfer to.

There is no guarantee that there will be places available on any course. Availability of places is dependent on progression and retention of existing students and places becoming available. Students may consider reapplying through the CAO to compete for a first year place on the course they are interested in, in the event their transfer request is not successful.

Please note that approval for an internal transfer is subject to the applicant meeting the course entry requirements, compatibility between the two courses, availability of places and appropriate approval. Applicants should continue on their current course until they receive formal notification of the outcome of the application.

A TU Dublin student who took time out from college (was not registered in the previous academic year) and wishes to return to the same course must contact the School Office/Programme Chair to request permission to return and discuss their options.

The School contact details are available on each course webpage.

This entry route is for applicants who have relevant Higher or Further Education studies at NFQ Level 6 or higher and wish to be considered for advanced entry/transfer to Year 2, 3 or 3 at TU Dublin. This route does not apply to current TU Dublin students.

TU Dublin will list the courses each year that are open for Advanced Entry to external applicants on the CAO and also on individual course webpages.

Applicants must apply through the Central Applications Office (CAO).