students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

Career Fair platforms

Our Fair Dates & Details

Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 11am-3pm – ‘BUSINESS, IT, LAW & LANGUAGES’

BUSINESS (incl. Business Studies, Management, Accounting & Finance, Marketing, HRM, Business Analytics, Retail & Services, Mathematics, Logistics & Supply Chain), IT (incl. Computer Science, Computing, Computer/Communications Engineering, Networking, Cloud, Data Analytics), LAW, LANGUAGES and more!

Wednesday, 21st October 2020, 11am-3pm - ‘CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING’

ENGINEERING (incl. Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Building (Services) Engineering) and CONSTRUCTION (incl. Construction Management; Quantity Surveying; Property, Auctioneering Valuation & Real Estate; BIM; Architecture & Architectural Technology; Planning & Environmental Management; and GIS/Geographical Science and more!).

Thursday, 22nd October 2020, 11am-3pm – ‘ENGINEERING & SCIENCE’

ENGINEERING (incl. Mechanical, Manufacturing, Electrical/Electronic, Automation/Mechatronics, Transport, Supply Chain/Logistics) and SCIENCE (incl. Chemistry, Physics, Biosciences, Biomedical, Forensics, Mathematics, Nanotechnology) and more!


This 3-day event will feature a range of live presentations including: Creating a Winning CV, Ace that Virtual Interview and Rock Your Network with LinkedIn. For further information contact Jill Barrett

PLEASE NOTE - This fair will not take place on the Career Fair Plus platform.

Our Virtual Careers Fairs offer you the opportunity to connect with employers from a wide range of sectors.

While we do recommend you definitely attend the fair most closely linked to your area of study remember that organisations have many different departments such as Law, Marketing, HR & Recruitment, IT, Finance, Operations and Logistics so it is sensible to talk to a few different companies as many opportunities are open to graduates of all disciplines and you could find the ideal opportunity where you least expect it!

Before the Fairs:

CV & Virtual Fair Preparation Tip Clinics – We understand that Virtual Fairs can seem a little overwhelming, so we are here to help you get ready! We will be hosting some CV Preparation Clinics and Networking Tips Clinics from 23rd September onwards. Please keep an eye on your TU Dublin email and our Events Calendar for further updates.

How to access the Fairs:

From Oct 5th - Download the app, Explore Employers and schedule appointments for the day of the Fair!

The Employer Exhibitor List will be available on the Career Fair Plus app on 5th October 2020

The app will allow you to:

  • Explore all of our fairs to see all opportunities being promoted.
  • View exhibitor profiles in advance, find out more about them and view their websites
  • Filter and search for opportunities by degree subject, sector or business area
  • Book short 1-2-1 appointments to talk to employer recruiters (usually 10 mins). To book an appointment you will need to create a profile on the app – remember to read the Privacy Policy before signing up.
  • Some employers will also be running ‘drop in’ rooms on the day of the fair and you will see a button on their profile to access their ‘drop in’ room on the day of the fair.
  • There is also a laptop/desktop website version of the app and we would recommend that you use this on the day of the fairs for your 1-2-1 appointments. Visit and search for Fairs>Technological University Dublin to login.

To download the App:

  • Go to the App store or Google Play
  • Search ‘Career Fair Plus’ and select the Careers Fair Plus logo; it’s a free download
  • The first time you download the app you will need to select Technological University Dublin to find our fairs.
  • Click on that to download and install


When you sign up the information you include in your profile such as your name, college course and your CV is shared with the employer/exhibitor you have booked an appointment with and on the administrative site with the Career Development Centre & Career Fair Plus to run the event. Your information is not shared with any third parties. It is important to read the Privacy Policy before signing up. Remember to delete your profile after the fairs.


See the Careers Fair Plus demo below:

Can students attend a fair without a log-in or without signing up?

You can view some fair data without logging in, such as the participating employers, but must create a profile/login to schedule appointments with employers. You are advised to book appointments in advance – you will not be able to book an appointment after 10am on the day of each fair.

Can employers search for candidates in the platform, or invite them to book appointments?

No, employers can only see the candidates that have scheduled an appointment with them. There will be some appointments free on the day, but it is a good idea to review the app prior to the fairs and schedule your appointments in advance.

I am a little nervous and don’t know what I would say to an employer!

We will be hosting some lunchtime CV Preparation Clinics and Networking Tips Clinics from 23rd September onwards. Please keep an eye on your TU Dublin and our Events Calendar for further updates. We will also be on hand on the day of each Fair to help you.

There wasn’t any employer for my specific degree area

The roles on offer may not be restricted to the industry sector the company works in – remember there are lots of different departments in most organisations so an IT company may be seeking to hire a finance graduate and a Financial Services organisation may want to hire a software programmer!

Also, some employers do not recruit via Careers Fairs, but we encourage these organisations to advertise their positions via our Jobscene jobs portal.

Our Virtual Careers Fairs provide you the opportunity to connect with high calibre students from a variety of disciplines. Attending a fair is an excellent way to raise your profile on campus. Students can learn more about your organisation, the graduate jobs and internships on offer, what the application criteria are and how to apply.  

Students will use the mobile app to view the employer exhibitor profiles and check out links to their career pages or company website. Students can schedule a 1-2-1 virtual appointment with one of your recruiters.

Organisations will be able to decide the number of recruiters they make available on the day and each of your recruiters will have their own virtual room with their own profile and appointment schedule to meet with students. When a student books an appointment on your schedule you will have access to the information they have provided on their profile and this may include their CV.

In the run up to the fair, the Career Development Team will be on hand to answer any questions you have and on the day of the fair, we will work with Career Fair Plus to ensure you have a great experience.

The Career Fair Plus app and meeting platform are GDPR compliant but we would ask that you please read the Privacy Policy in advance.

Please read our Employer Guide for more information.

How do I use the Career Fair Plus Platform?

  1. You will have received an invitation from the Career Development Centre to register.
  2. Career Fair Plus will use the information you provided at registration to build your virtual booth. They will use your website link to upload your logo and if you wish, they will host a promotional video on your booth.
  3. You will then receive an email from Career Fair Plus inviting you to sign up and create your recruiter schedule on your virtual booth.
  4. Click the ‘Get Started Here’ button within the email to set up your profile in your browser. Please note, this is a single-use link and must be opened in Chrome or Firefox
  5. The email address and password will be the details you use to log in to the platform late
  6. Once you log in, you will be taken directly to the fair, where you will be able to easily create your own blank schedule to share with students so that they can book 1-2-1 meetings with you. These should be 10-minute slots. Depending on the number of jobs you wish to promote to students you can elect to have as many recruiters from your organisation to meet with students as you wish. Watch this ’how to create a schedule’  Video , or to create a schedule for somebody else, watch this Video. You can block off time and mark yourself as unavailable if you cannot be present in your virtual booth for the duration of the fair. We also encourage you to block off break times!
  7. Make changes to schedules if you wish to, such as schedule name, description, time slots and availability. Watch this ‘how to’ Video.
  8. From your schedule page, please click ‘Join Meeting’ to test that you can access your video meeting room.
  9. Schedules will be made live to students to book appointments in advance from 9 am on the 5th October so schedules need to be added by this time. Once a student has booked a meeting, you cannot cancel their booking.
  10. Some students will book appointments up to 10am on the day of the fair so please make sure you keep checking your schedule for any students that book in last minute!
  11. On the day of the fair you will be required to log in to your schedule. Students with appointments will knock to be let into your video meeting room at their scheduled time 

What are ‘drop in’ rooms and how do I book one?

A drop-in room can function like a physical booth at an in-person fair, where candidates can drop by to speak to the employer representatives and depending on the number of candidates at one time, this may be a group interaction.

In a virtual setting, this is a virtual room and candidates can simply drop in at any time to participate, without requiring a pre-scheduled meeting time. Since these are 'open' to candidates for the duration of the fair, an employer representative should be present throughout. For this reason, every employer may not have the capacity to host one. Employers can have both a drop-in room and scheduled 1-2-1s but we recommend having two employer reps/recruiters available to facilitate this.

Here is a link to a demo drop-in room:

Please let us know by email to if you are attending a fair and would like us to create a drop-in room for you.

Can I have a private discussion with a student?

Aside from drop-in rooms, all communication between employers and students in the platform is private. You will be able to use audio or video calls to speak with a student within the platform and you will also have a chat function.