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Labour Market Information


Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 The Strategy identifies Ireland’s current skills profile, provides a strategic vision and specific objectives for Ireland’s future skills requirements, and sets out a road map for how the vision and objectives can be achieved.

Technology Skills 2022 The report is a qualitative and quantitative overview of the market, technology and service trends, and demand for High Level ICT Skills in Ireland over the period 2017 to 2022. 'High level' is defined as those skills required for designing, building and implementing high level ICT systems i.e. Computer and Electrical/Electronic engineering skills at NFQ Levels 6/7 and Levels 8+. This excludes primarily ICT user skills.

Ireland's Future Skills Needs 2020 carries out studies into the supply and demand for skills in individual business/industrial sectors and occupations, and, through its reports, puts forward recommendations for averting any anticipated mismatch. 

National Skills Bulletin 2019 Provides an essential source of information on the labour market in Ireland & the skills need of the economy.

Forecasting the Future Demand for High-Level ICT Skills in Ireland 2017-2022   (EGFSN report)

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) advise the Irish Government on the current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth. It has a central role in ensuring that labour market needs for skilled workers are anticipated and met.

Graduate Market Survey 2019 Research results compiled by the University of Limerick Cooperative Education and Careers Division (CECD) represent an annual snapshot of graduate recruitment across Ireland. Participants of this survey are graduate employers who have engaged with the University of Limerick Careers Service in 2018. These include local, national and global companies, multinational and SMEs, from all sectors and disciplines.

Digital Transformation.  Assessing the Impact of Digitalisation on Ireland's Workforce.  Report issued by The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) who advise the Irish Government on the current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth. It has a central role in ensuring that labour market needs for skilled workers are anticipated and met.

Hospitality Skills Oversight Group Report 2018 Ireland's € 5 Billion Hospitality Industry. Skills, Careers, Growth. 

Vacancy Overview 2018 The Vacancy Overview series, produced annually by the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU) in SOLAS on behalf of the National Skills Council, aims to utilise available vacancy data sources to provide qualitative information on the job titles (and associated skills) in which vacancies are occurring most frequently.

Economic and Social Research Institute : press releases/commentaries: The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey is one of the most respected and authoritative indices on employment trends. Conducted quarterly, the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey measures employers' intentions to increase or decrease the number of employees in their workforce during the next quarter.

Central Statistics Office : the primary source of statistics for economic and social trends in Ireland.  Such reports provides the basis for reports on the labour market

Teaching Company Directorate : government scheme which helps companies access the knowledge and skills within the UK's 'Knowledge Base' (universities, colleges, independent research and technology organisations, and Government funded research units).

Labour Market Information: news and analysis of the graduate job market in the UK (from the Prospects Website)

Graduate Market Trends (GMT): quarterly journal produced by HECSU (Higher Education Careers Services Unit) contains quality information about contemporary debates in higher education, graduate employment and career learning.

 What do Graduates do?: published annually by HECSU and AGCAS using data from the annual HESA of Leavers from Higher Education. Contains commentaries on degree subject areas and analysis of the HESA FDR data. (2018/2019 Graduates) 

For more information contact a member of the Career Development Team