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Employees responsible for purchasing work equipment and those responsible for supervising its use are required to ensure its initial integrity and conformity with European safety requirements. They should consider where and how it will be used and any risks arising from its installation, commissioning, use or maintenance (including exposure to electricity, noise, vibration, radiation, etc.).

Those using the equipment must have sufficient information, training and supervision where appropriate to use it safely.


In the case of work equipment which is exposed to conditions causing deterioration liable to result in a danger to safety or health, personnel responsible for this work equipment must ensure periodic inspections are conducted and where appropriate required testing is carried out. This is to ensure that deterioration is detected and remedied in good time. PAT Testing is regulated by the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 in Ireland. This legislation is implemented under Statutory Instrument S.I. No.299 of 2007, which came into force in November 2007. A PAT test is a routine inspection of some types of electrical appliance to check they are safe to use. Its purpose is to prevent electrical accidents in the workplace.

The equipment must be maintained and a maintenance log kept.

Portable Appliances Testing Arrangements


Campus & Estates Office will ensure thorough examinations are carried out by a competent person on lifting equipment as required under the General Application Regulations. 


Contractors/Service Providers/other campus users must ensure their plant and equipment is safe and in good working order. Any plant or equipment requiring certification as required by law, must have necessary certification readily available for checking.