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Statutory Registers

Statutory Plant Inspections​

Under current health and safety legislation (Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (general application) Regulations 2007 (No. 299 of 2007)) and the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (general application) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (No. 445 of 2012), periodic statutory examination and testing are required on lifting equipment and lifting accessories, and on pressure systems.

These statutory plant inspections are organised by the SHW Office and undertaken by a competent inspecting authority, which is independent of any maintenance programmes in place on the equipment. A Report of Thorough Examination is provided following examination and testing, as per legislative requirements.

Examples of plant equipment covered by these statutory instruments include; lifts, hoists, lifting accessories, mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP), steam boilers, self-generating autoclaves, and steam receivers. The maximum inspection interval varies by plant type. 

Statutory requirements

Inspection of plant equipment and the maximum intervals at which each should be inspected are as follows:

Hoist or lifts: thorough examination every 6 months.

Vehicle lifting table: to be thoroughly examined every 12 months.

Cranes/lifting machines: thorough examination of all parts including anchorages every 12 months. Lifting machines may not be used for the first time unless tested, or if dismantled and re-erected. Except when used to lift people, then every 6 months.

Lifting tackle: Thorough examination every 6 months.

Steam boilers: Steam boilers together with fittings and attachments require thorough examination every 14 months or after extensive repairs. Also, a further examination under normal steam pressure within 3 months of the thorough examination, new or second hand may not be used until certified.

Steam receivers: Thorough examination every 26 months. Second-hand steam receivers must be certified or examined before being used for the first time.

Air receivers: Similar to steam receivers.

The above is a guide to the current statutory requirements. These requirements are subject to change in line with regulations and legislation.

Schedule of Inspections

Schools/Functions using plant which is subject to these requirements must ensure that the equipment is on the University’s inspection schedule. To add or remove plant equipment from the schedule, contact with details of the equipment.

Further Information: