Occupational health (OH) is about how work affects a person’s health and how someone’s health affects their work.
No employee should suffer any accident or ill health as a result of their employment by the University nor should their employment exacerbate any existing medical condition that they might have.
To this end, the University operates an Occupational Health Programme in conjunction with an Occupational Health Service Provider.
The Occupational Health Programme includes:
- pre-employment screening of potential employees;
- ongoing health surveillance of existing employees were necessary;
- assessment and treatment of workplace injuries;
- the identification and implementation of specific control measures designed to reduce the risk from workplace activities to individual employees with pre-existing medical conditions;
- pregnant employee risk assessments;
- ergonomic risk assessments;
- chemical exposure monitoring;
- regular reviews of potentially hazardous working areas;
- the operation of an Employee Assistance Programme and other measurers as may be deemed necessary.
The operation of the University's Occupational Heath Programme is jointly managed by the Safety, Health and Welfare Office and the Human Resource Function.
Enquiries should be sent to SHW@tudublin.ie.
Musculoskeletal disorders | Safety and health at work EU-OSHA (europa.eu)