First Aid and Medical


First-aid is a vital first response aspect of managing injuries, whether minor or major.

The Emergency First-Aid Procedure outlines the arrangements for the provision of first-aid.

How to identify AEDs and First Aid Rooms

Locations of First-Aid Rooms in TU Dublin

Location of AEDs in TU Dublin

You can use the Maze Map app to help direct you to the location of safety equipment in each building.

The interactive campus maps can guide you to your desired location/equipment using the Maze Map app. With the Maze Map app, you can easily find your way around the campus and locate important facilities like First-aid rooms, assembly points, emergency exits, AEDS etc. Click on this link Map Finder to access our maps.  Full guidance is available from this link. In the search function, simply enter the item you wish to locate and the building. e.g. AED, Grangegorman; first aid room, Bolton Street; Emergency exits, Tallaght.

Ordering first-aid supplies 

  • Designated/responsible staff member/ first-aider in each School/Function carries out periodic checks of stocks in their local first-aid kit(s).
  • The staff member submits a request for replacement supplies to the SHW Office using the online form below. 
  • An on-screen notification is displayed to acknowledge receipt of submission.
  • The SHW Administrator receives an alert and checks the form submitted.
  • After the 25th of each month, all orders received are processed, packed and delivered from the SHW Office to the relevant staff member.
  • The SHW Office issues a notification email to the staff member on the day of delivery.
  • The staff member ensures that the first-aid supplies are replenished as required.

H.S.A. Recommended Quantities for First-Aid Kits

First-Aid Order form 


All students, staff members, visitors/ campus users with an underlying medical condition are advised to;

• Wear an information necklace/ bracelet identifying his/ her condition or carry a medical ID wallet card
• Carry on their person at all times any medication required
• Inform relevant staff/ colleagues/ Line Manager/ event organiser
• Register with the TU Dublin City Campus Disability Service (students

There are a number of Generic First Response Plans available below: 

Allergy Anaphylaxis First-Aid Response Plan

Asthma First-Aid Response Plan

Diabetes First-aid Response Plan

Epilepsy First-Aid Response Plan

Fainting First-Aid Response Plan

Heart Condition First-Aid Response Plan


TU Dublin Process for Medical Risk Assessment

  • This assessment is for staff/ students with medical conditions (e.g. epilepsy, heart or fainting condition etc.) that may affect their safety while working/studying in the University, particularly in high risk environments such as kitchens, laboratories or workshops,
  • A staff member (or line manager on their behalf) contacts the SHW Office to request a medical risk assessment.
  • A student can be referred by the Disability Support Service or the Head of School/Function using the online referral form.
  • On receipt of the referral, the SHW Administrator notifies the relevant Occupational Health Advisor (OHA) with responsibility for the Faculty/Function.
  • The OHA will contact the student or staff member directly to arrange an appointment to discuss.
  • The OHA will complete a medical risk assessment detailing control measures and persons responsible etc.
  • In some circumstances advice maybe sought from TU Dublin’s external Occupational Health Provider.
  • The completed risk assessment will be communicated to the staff member/ student and their line manager/ Head of School.
  • The line manager/ Head of School works with the staff member/ student to implement all control measures.



First Response Procedures for Emergencies at TU Dublin outlines the immediate response to various emergencies. The purpose of these guidelines is to enable campus users to quickly and decisively respond to an actual or potential emergency, which could threaten the safety of persons, cause damage to property or equipment or disrupt campus operations.  


The University’s Emergency Management Policy and Plan provides a framework for planning and managing the response to an emergency or disaster to ensure the safety of its employees, students, campus users and the effective continuity of business-critical systems. A copy of this is available here.