Overview: Syllabus+/Enterprise Timetabler is the approved timetabling system for managing academic timetables (also used for booking 'once off' events in academic teaching spaces)

Target Group: New & existing timetabling users

Pre-requisites: A requirement to view, create & manage academic timetables

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Launch Syllabus+/Enterprise Timetabler (ET)
  • Navigate the main screen
  • Define timetabling resources
  • Manipulate data in ET and S+ and views inET
  • Create activities - edit and move activities
  • Scheduled and unscheduled activities
  • Filter and find records in ET to validate data completeness
  • Locate training resources (how to sheets and videos)

Overview: Syllabus Plus/Enterprise Timetabler is the approved timetabling system for TU Dublin. When booking non meeting room spaces, Syllabus Plus can be used to secure a room/space for these events. To book a designated meeting room, the web-based ‘Resource Booker’ app can be used. Some meeting rooms require you to book via MS Outlook.

Target Group:  Staff who need to book non meeting rooms (i.e. lecture rooms and teaching spaces) for ‘once off’ events 

Pre-requisites:  Familiarity with suitable rooms for once off events.  

Learning outcomes: 

At the end of this webinar, you will be able to: 

  • Login and navigate the Syllabus Plus interface and menus 
  • View room availability 
  • Select and book rooms