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Transgender Awareness Workshop

Delivered by Transgender Equality Network Ireland

This training aims to give an introduction to transgender identities, experiences and inclusion within the context of the Irish higher education sector. The training usually runs around 90 minutes including time for questions


  • Terminology and Language Use
  • Language use around gender identity, expression; gender assigned at birth
  • Definitions including cisgender, transgender, non-binary


  •  Name and pronoun changes and use
  • Irish legislation and legal gender recognition
  • Medical transition and gender-affirming healthcare contexts in Ireland
  • Transition barriers and access


Research Findings

  • Breakdown of key findings from 2019 research on the experiences of trans students in Irish colleges and universities
  • Reported issues and recommended solutions


Trans inclusion and allyship

  •  Inclusion within the university
  •  Interpersonal allyship


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this training, participants will:

  • Understand transgender identities, the importance of names, pronouns and other elements of transition, and correct language use
  • Be aware of broader issues affecting transgender people in Ireland, and how it impacts on students in an education setting
  • Be empowered to promote transgender inclusion, speak confidently on transgender issues, and interrupt transphobic speech or acts
  • Identify key areas in which to promote trans inclusion within the college, with practical steps for policy, guidelines and implementation