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Disclosure Training for TU Dublin Staff

At any time during the course of their work, any staff member may receive a Disclosure of Sexual Harassment or Violence. Currently, most staff have not received the specific skills training to manage these disclosures confidently and trauma-informedly.

Course Aim:

The aim of this workshop is to provide staff with the appropriate skills to manage these disclosures confidently and in a trauma-informed way, to signpost the person disclosing to all relevant supports, to inform the person of all the pathways within the University to manage a complaint if they so wish and to increase the participant’s awareness of the causes and effects of sexual violence.

The delivery of this training is an action set out in the national policy framework published in 2019; ‘Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive: Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions’, (often referred to as the ‘Framework for Consent’) and the subsequent Implementation Plan 2022-2024 on Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment at Higher Education Institutes.

The workshop is delivered by Catherine Bolger, Psychologist, Consent Lead and ESVH.


The training will be a half-day information and role-play session with learning outcomes listed below:

All participants can expect to possess the following Skills and ‘Tools’ following the training


· Your Role in taking a Disclosure

· Sexual violence: what is it?

· Impact of sexual violence on students and staff

· Rape culture, rape myths and barriers to reporting

· Disclosures Vs Reports

· The qualities of a good listener/ how to respond

· Skills and a chance to practice Knowledge

· Information for referral to TU Dublin and National agencies for support

· Self-care and boundaries

· A mobile-based tool to access as a checklist when receiving disclosure