People Development Courses & Workshops
- Attachment Trauma and Self Care
- Breast Health and Cancer Awareness
- Bystander Intervention Training
- Chairing Meetings
- Chemical Risk Assessment/Awareness Programme
- Child Protection Awareness Workshop
- Communicating with Confidence
- Coping with Responsive Behaviours
- Customer Service Skills
- Dealing with Agressive Students and Members of the Public
- Dignity at Work: Managers Workshop
- Dignity at Work Awareness Training
- Domestic Violence - Supports and Signposting
- Disclosure Training
- Dyslexia in the Workplace for Managers
- Elder Care for Family Carers
- Emergency First Aid
- Emergency Response Training (inc. Fire Safety)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Evacuation Chair Training
- Financial Wellbeing
- Financial Supports For international Protection Applicants
- First Aid Responder
- First Aid Responder - Refresher
- Gas Safety Awareness
- Grief in the Workplace
- Growth Mindsets
- Improve your Self Confidence and Eradicate Fear
- Introduction to Change Management
- Intercultural Awareness Workshop
- Influencing and Persuading Skills
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- Lean Thinking
- Licence to Chair Viva Voce Examinations
- Licence to Recruit
- Licence to Recruit - Refresher Training
- Licence to Supervise Research Degrees
- Managing Meetings
- Managing Stress and Making Changes
- Manual Handling
- Mediation Training for Managers
- Mid Career Seminar: Financial Planning for the Future
- Minute Taking
- Neurodiversity in the Workplace
- Non Violent Communication
- Occupational First Aid Refresher
- Overview of the Official Languages Act
- Preparing for Interview
- Preparing for Academic Interview
- Project Management Fundamentals Workshop
- Preparing for your PDP Meeting
- Project Management Fundamentals
- PMDS For Managers
- Radiation Safety Training
- Reasonable Accomodation
- Recognising and Addressing Mental Health related Stigma in the Workplace
- Report Writing
- Risk Management Training
- Safetalk Suicide Awareness Training
- See Change Mental Health for Managers Workshop
- Solas (previously FÁS) Safepass
- Stress Management
- Supporting Students at Risk
- The Artist's Way Programme
- Time Management
- Transgender Awareness Workshop
- Unity and Diversity Workshop
- Unconscious Bias and an Inclusive Work Environment Training
- Write yourself right - an Introduction to Narrative Therapy