HRS4R - Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

HR4R Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research

HRS4R - Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

For queries please email: or phone 01 2205175

The HR Strategy for Researchers was launched by the European Commission to support the implementation of the 40 Principles on the ‘European Charter for Researchers’ and ‘Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers’. The European Commission's ''HR Excellence in Research'' accreditation recognises institutions that have signed the ''European Charter for Researchers'' and the ''Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers''.

Institutions can earn the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award by participating in and successfully completing the HRS4R accreditation process. The over-arching principle objective of HRS4R is to increase the attractiveness of research careers in Europe, through more attractive working conditions and policies encapsulating Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment processes (OMT-R).

TU Dublin formally endorsed to the principles of the Charter and Code and asked to start the HRS4R accreditation process on 22nd December 2022. The European Commission accepted our letter of endorsement and opened the internal analysis and strategy drafting phase by assigning us a case number 2023IE48224 on 11th January 2023.

The process

The process in attaining accreditation requires the involvement of a variety of stakeholders, whose active participation, via reporting committees, are established under the following 4 thematic headings

  • Ethical & Professional Practices
  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Working Conditions and
  • Training & Development

Benefits of HRS4R Accreditation

These include:

  • Tangible documented proof of the University’s commitment to good working conditions and career development for researchers.
  • Contributing to the University’s goal for improving the quality of research through strategies to appoint, develop and retain the best research staff.
  • The adding of value to research funding applications (both EU & domestically supported)
  • The opportunity to share and update practices with other award holding institutions