Upcoming training
- Bystander Intervention - Tallaght, 10th March
- Unity in Diversity - Blanchardstown, 24th March
- Trans Awareness Training - Online, 31st March
- Disclosure Training - further training TBC
- Unconscious Bias - further training TBC
Up and coming Events
Cultural night – FSEH 8th May
Past Events
Cultural Night December 2024
The School of Food Science and Environmental Health is dedicated to supporting staff and students who identify as LGBT+ and creating an inclusive community where everyone feels comfortable and safe.
For our LGBT+ colleagues and students, the pronouns we use for them are a big part of their identity. We can show we care by using the right ones and sharing our own. Learn more about use of Pronouns at the following resources.
- Pronouns.org Resources on Personal Pronouns
TU Dublin promotes family friendly and flexible working policies. For more details refer to the HR policies https://www.tudublin.ie/for-staff/human-resources/policies--forms/
- Dr. Azza Silotry Naik – azzasilotry.naik@TUDublin.ie