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A formal Collaborative partnership exists between The School and Gas Networks Ireland (GNI, Semi-State Organisation for Gas Network and Gas Supply). There are a number of benefits that will accrue to the school from the partnership. These include the educational partnership which involves the validation of three CPD modules at GNI which are:

In addition, TU Dublin has been successful in acquiring corporate level funding from GNI for postgraduate research to PhD level. Maintaining good communications between the partners has resulted in this additional research funding and will provide the continued progressive evolution of the partnership into the future.

The partnership meets the University objectives to support learning within companies, in industry and on the job in practical environments that simulate the real-life work scenario and thus enhance the school profile. Additionally, it extends the teaching and learning options of the University under the approved partnerships. The partnership also specifically supports the University goals to develop and support programmes of CPD to provide progression opportunities for people working in Industry (principally those with technical and craft-based qualifications).